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Donate to the FlashReport

If you are on this page of, perhaps you are thinking about financially supporting this endeavor. I would like to encourage you to help me out! You see, the funds that come in from your donations go towards either improving this site and the technology used to produce its content, or marketing this site to more potential readers.

By making a donation today, you will become a member of the Friends of the FlashReport, which is an informal group, made up all of my financial supporters, many of whom chipped in to fund the initial construction of this website. As a member of this group, you become a sounding board for future ideas of potential improvements or changes to the site.

Thank you for your consideration, and there are two ways to make a donation -- either by using your credit card through the secure link to PayPal (located below) -- or by sending a check, payable to The FlashReport, to 41 Post, Irvine, CA 92618.

Thank you for your consideration,

Jon Fleischman


Thank You

THANK YOU to all of the generous donors who made construction of this site possible. Without you, there would be no!