Sunday, September 13, 2015
BreitbartCA: Republicans in CA Block Billion Dollar Tax Increase
Legislators head home, but efforts fell short of grandiose rhetoric
SacBee($):As pension rules tighten, some Sacramento-area districts convert superintendent allowances into pay
OCReg: Pot calls out kettle on negotiations transparency
SacBee($):Dan Morain: How oil won the battle for SB 350
- SFChron ($):Analysis: Gov. Brown shares blame for oil bills problems
- SacBee($):A rising force, moderate Democrats put their stamp on California legislative session
- SFChron: PG&Es shady conduct hindered probe, investigators say
FresBee: Wildfire in Yosemite still burning, Squaw Valley fire contained
- LATimes($): Brown declares state of emergency in 65,000-acre Gold Country fire
- LATimes($): Town burns as treacherous California wildfire marches on
LATimes($): California lawmakers fail to act on several anti-tobacco bills
- LATimes($): Legislature leaves anti-tobacco measures and health plan tax on the table
LATimes($): California Republicans echo U.S. trends, favoring outsiders Trump and Carson
- LATimes($): Are Republicans losing white voters too?
- BreitbartCA: Cops, Media Barred From Black Lives Matter Meeting
- RivPE: ALTERNATIVE ENERGY: Biden puts spotlight on solar
- OCReg: California drivers dodge bullet on gas cutback
How about a binational team to solve NFL challenge?
- SacBee($):Total compensation in citys minimum wage plan is a sham
- SacBee($):Dan Walters: Moderate bloc bests governor
CCTimes: Daniel Borenstein: Pension-spiking Bay Area fire chief's comments suggest conflict of interest and illegal secrecy
- BreitbartCA: Transgender Prisoners in S.F. to Be Jailed by Sexual Preference
- SFChron ($):Entrepreneur accused in beating had powerful help
- SFChron ($):Conglomerates hungry for Bay Area food companies
SFChron ($):Police chief resolves backlog over testing of rape kits
- SJMerc: Internal Affairs: Morgan High schools chief observed passing a note
- SLO Trib: Debbie Arnold will have a challenger for seat
- VCS:Ventura County questions for the GOP candidates
- VCS:Preservation deal in play near Lake Piru
OCReg: Business booms for Airbnb 'hosts' who rent out their homes
- SBSun: 32 hospitalized, 300 arrested at Nocturnal Wonderland in Devore
- RivPE: CASSIE MacDUFF: A congressman's legacy
- Chargers Carson stadium backer in hot water