Wednesday, May 13, 2015
How California's State and Local Governments Can Save $50 Billion Per Year
Creepy CA Mandatory Vaccination Bill Fast-Tracked By Dems
LATimes($): Kevin de León called about job for daughter at nonprofit he helped with bill - LA Times
BreitbartCA: Premature Election: Sanchez Retracts Senate Announcement
- Politico: Despite draft announcement, Sanchez says she's undecided on Senate
- LATimes($): Loretta Sanchez denies report on Senate candidacy
- SacBee($):Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff declines U.S. Senate run
- SDUT: Emails show UCLA, CPUC deal making
- SacBee($):CalPERS wins ruling in San Bernardino bankruptcy
LATimes($): In L.A. Unified races, both union and charter school backers target iPads
LATimes($): Proposed tax on sugary drinks fails in Assembly panel
- LATimes($): Amid slower growth, California's Obamacare exchange cuts proposed spending
- OCReg: O.C. judge M. Marc Kelly speaks publicly for first time attacking petition to recall him following controversial sentencing of child rapist
SacBee($):Regional tensions linger in Californias drought
- SBSun: Nestlé pitches $7 million in projects to save water in California
- LATimes($): Cal Poly Pomona student at center of free speech debate
The Golden Pen
SDUT: So much for helping poor with AB 32 costs -
SacBee($):Opinion: Tax break for Californias poor?
- SacBee($):Brown should borrow from Reagan, adopt tax break for working poor
F&H Daily: Education Spending and Student Academic Achievement Results
- SacBee($):Families sue Roseville school district alleging abuse of special education students
- SacBee($):Proposed staff increase for Mayor Johnson sparks debate at council meeting
- SacBee($):Wrong-way freeway crashes send state officials scrambling for answers
- SFChron: Oakland puts off acting on controversial surveillance system
S.F. spends $1.5 million renovating two public restrooms
- F&H Daily: Economic Tale of Two Regions: Los Angeles vs. Bay Area
- SFChron: Dangers of living on the edge in the Bay Area, elsewhere visit
- FresBee: Community members on Fresnos park budget: Its not enough
- FresBee: Fresno County supervisors approve $159,000 in marijuana fines
- LATimes($): Airbnb crackdown: Santa Monica leads short-term rental backlash
- BreitbartCA: L.A. Homeless Numbers Climb 12%
OCReg: More Great Park-related bills to come
- OCReg: Trouble in retiree paradise: Report cites a culture of fear, distrust in leadership of Laguna Woods Village
- RivPE: RIVERSIDE COUNTY: Contract rate hike for sheriff's services approved
- RivPE: NORCO: State senator wants prison closed
- SDUT: Nude class draws attention to UCSD
- SDUT: County OKs plan to save water
- SDUT: Lawsuit: bid to help cops ends in mistreatment