Monday, June 10, 2013
CalWatchdog: NEW: Dems water down GOP pro-small biz bill
RCP:Modest Snooping? | RealClearPolitics
Saturday's Main Page
- Sunday's Main Page
- LATimes($): California tops list of states with water infrastructure needs -
SJMerc: 'Hidden' economy in Silicon Valley built without advanced degrees - San Jose Mercury News
- SacBee($):Big detour urged for rail funds - Capitol and California - The Sacramento Bee
- CalWatchdog: NEW: Top officials live up (down?) to bullet train tradition
LATimes($): L.A.'s Latino senators divided on banning plastic bags -
- LADN: Santa Monica College, scene of shooting rampage, reopens today with extra security
LATimes($): Poll shows Californians favor legalizing same-sex marriage
- SacBee($):The Buzz: California state parks officials plan flick-of-the-wrist admission
- Politico: Daniel Ellsberg thanks Snowden
- The Hill:Rand Paul weighs Supreme Court challenge to NSA surveillance
- Politico: Cantor ducks on PRISM
The Golden Pen
LATimes($): The Brown Act means what it says
- CalBuzz: Zuckerberg, and Cynical Civic Psychobabble
- LATimes($): FBI raid highlights need for reform
SacBee($):Dan Walters: Tax-boost plan undermines Stockton's bankruptcy case
- SacBee($):Editorial: County still has to hold the line on spending
- CCTimes: City of San Bruno calls for $3.85 billion in penalties against PG&E
- CCTimes: Shirakawa case thrown into turmoil by new charge
CCTimes: 49ers new Santa Clara stadium cost goes up again -- to $1.3 billion
- LADN: Mayor-elect Eric Garcetti swamped with ideas, job candidates
- LATimes($): Inglewood schools' slide steepens despite state takeover
- DesSun:Presidential visit's cost to Riverside County estimated at half-million dollars
- RivPE: RIVERSIDE COUNTY: Sheriff reviewing controversial immigration program
- SBSun: San Bernardino County opts for dispensary closures via courts
- SDUT: Filner, Goldsmith feud may undercut bonds
- SDUT: Public safety loses, labor wins at new courthouse
- What's Behind San Diego Unified%u2019s Principal Vacancies?