Saturday, May 11, 2013
LATimes($): Garcetti sees Hollywood as 'a template for a new Los Angeles'
- LADN: Wendy Greuel seeks to reframe DWP issue, blame Eric Garcetti
- LATimes($): Wendy Greuel's campaign coffers low
- LATimes($): Eric Garcetti and Wendy Greuel have spirited debate at Cal State L.A.
RivPE: SPECIAL ELECTION: Leon, Torres face off Tuesday
The Hill:Issa tapped for major role in House GOP immigration push
LATimes($): Healthcare puts Jerry Brown, Capitol Democrats on different sides
- SacBee($):Abel Maldonado accuses Jerry Brown and 'buddies' of 'trying to make it about race'
- SacBee($):NAACP state president accuses Abel Maldonado of using 'racial politics'
- SacBee($):Maldonado spars with NAACP, Democrats over photograph
CalCap: State Controller Confirms That California Tax Collections Are $4.6 Billion Over Estimates
- RivPE: SCHOOLS: Funding formulas a top budget issue
- LATimes($): Brown, senator at odds over clean energy money
SJMerc: $4 gas is back and it's going up
SFChron: Just in time for Obama’s June CA fundraising: Keystone decision the “biggest, most explicit statement” of presidency, major donors tell POTUS
SacBee($):Steinberg floats legislation for governing proposed Delta tunnels
- IVDB: DCCC supports Aguilar campaign in 31st District
- SanGabTrib:New power plant in Industry will prevent brownouts
- LADN: L.A campaigns spend more than $50 million on May 21 election
- LATimes($): $42.6 million hidden in city fund through accounting error
- OCReg: VLF surprise was years in the making
- OCReg: Labor plans lobbying push after license fee ruling
- OCReg: Pay-as-you-go plan threatens health benefits
- RivPE: Union's billboard ruffles feathers in San Bernardino
- SDUT: Push to unite North County gains new voice
- SDUT: News Vast network of express lanes on way
- VOSD: Filner Eyeing City Schools' Prime Mission Beach Site
The Golden Pen
Reason: Does More Regulation Prevent Tragedies?
- CPR: Failing Grades for LA Mayor Hopefuls
- CalWatchdog: NEW: Lawmakers learn what farmers already know about sustainable agriculture
WSJ: The IRS Targets Conservatives
- WashPost: IRS Scandal Needs a Full Investigation
- HumEvnts:The IRS just admitted that it targets dissidents
- NatlRev: Crises Are Not Opportunities
- SacBee($):Woodland considers district elections to comply with voting rights act
- SacBee($):Four Democrats to seek Assembly seat of termed-out Yamada
- SacBee($):Seattle group raises its bid for Kings
- SacBee($):Folsom, affordable housing advocates settle long-running feud
- SacBee($):Sacramento moves forward with tighter gun store regulations
- SJMerc: AT&T Park concessions workers voting to authorize strike
- CCTimes: Pipe dreams: Developer tapping into Antioch hills on quest for oil
- SJMerc: Oakland: Interim Police Chief Toribio out just two days after appointment
- CCTimes: Jordan quit as Oakland police chief after learning of likely ouster
- SFChron: Oakland police brass in major shakeup
- CCTimes: Decision maker is named
- CCTimes: Internal Affairs: Alvarado camp cries foul over Chavez mailers with union connection
- SJMerc: Santa Clara County board upholds rare firing of prosecutor by DA Jeff Rosen
- FresBee: Valley farm-labor shortage boosts wages for workers
- FresBee: Political notebook: Fresno revisits city attorney's masters
- FresBee: IBM experts see 'opportunity' for Fresno economy
- SLO Trib: Nipomo CSD votes to borrow $4 million more for water pipeline