Thursday, September 16, 2010
- AFP's "Common Sense": Prop 21: The Car Tax is Back
- "Failure"
- Mimi Walters: California Treasurer
SFChron: Whitman's $119 million donation breaks record
- LAT: Whitman sets U.S. record for candidate's donation to campaign
- SacBee:Meg Whitman puts in another $15 million, sets new spending record
- CapWkly: Brown on the run: Targets his own, as well as Whitman
- SFChron: Meg Whitman fields press questions in SF:(VIDEO) on campaign spending, Prop. 23, Tea Party.....and more spending
- SFChron: Yelper to Meg Whitman (VIDEO): "Why would you knowingly and purposely run a campaign that is based on lies?"
- SacBee:At Yelp, Whitman gets mixed reviews
- OakTrib: Whitman visits Yelp, discusses record $119 million spending
- CapWkly: Campaign Notebook: Brown goes Negative, Whitman goes big
- SFChron: Comcast will air teachers union's re-lawyered anti-Meg Whitman ad Thursday
- SacBee:California Teachers Association couches TV ad attacking Meg Whitman
- LAT: Whitman says pension-reform plans don't apply to police, firefighters
- SacBee: Jerry Brown unveils start-from-scratch budget plan for California
- LAT: Jerry Brown sounds Republican themes in budget plan
- OCReg: Whitman comes to Anaheim for town hall
SacBee: Ad Watch: Boxer ad reasonably accurate, but lacks context on veterans
- CCT Political Blotter: EMILY's List ready to ante up for Boxer
- SacBee: Nancy Reagan endorses Fiorina and Whitman
- LAT: Nancy Reagan backs Fiorina, Whitman
CCT Political Blotter: Alcohol industry ponies up against Prop. 19
- OCReg: Legalized pot's effect on crime debated
- SacBee: California NAACP chief signs ballot argument, profits from campaign
- SDUT: Proposition 22 debate comes to San Diego
- SFChron: Prop. 23 throwdown at the Sac Press Club!
- SacBee:Campaigns for and against Prop. 23 face off at forum
- IVDB: Study calls Prop. 24 a job killer
- BakNow: Search warrant outlines political computer hacking claims
- CalCap: Legislature and Governor About to Set a Dubious Record
- IVDB: Local colleges advancing financial aid to students affected by state's budget quagmire
- RivPE: Road projects face delays because of state budget
- CapWkly: A thumbnail sketch of the state workforce
- LAT: California board votes to create database on teacher evaluation
- CapWkly: Tribal police have a growing presence
- CapWkly: Federal transportation money: What does it mean for California?
- SacBee: The Buzz: Sing along, 'cuz the ballot is too darn long'
- CCT Political Blotter: Stark and Herger pitch Medicare fraud bill
- OakTrib: Kaiser workers vote in bitter battle between two unions
LADN: Schwarzenegger: Act on trade
- LADN: California homeowners to get $1.2 billion in help
- WashPost: Tea party wins send message to GOP
- WashPost: Frustration with GOP led to O'Donnell's victory in Delaware
- LAT: How far might 'tea party' push the GOP?
Politico: Rebel DeMint sparks GOP civil war
The Golden Pen
SacBee: Sacramento has hand in tea party win
Townhall: A Great Awakening
- OCReg: Higher test scores fool no one
Politi-Cal: 10, 9, 8, 7 . . . 51?
Hogue News: Roger Niello "Needs" Ted Gaines to Prove It
CalBuzz: eMeg: $203,767 Per Day; Brown%u2019s Budget Record
- FresBee: Governor: Veto weak pension-spiking bill
LAT: Brown is lucky - and needs to be luckier
LAT: The ethics of free tickets
NatlRev: Charged
- NYTimes: Yes, the Tea Party Candidates Are Electable
- SacBee: State Fair must decide: Stay at Cal Expo or move to Arco
SFChron: Newsom says he's moved 12,000 people off the streets
- SFChron: Chris Daly vital in brokering CityPlace deal
- SFChron: San Bruno fire: PG&E planned to fix nearby pipe
- SFChron: Mark Leno pushes bill to make utilities pay
- OakTrib: Clean Air Plan sets blueprint for healthier air
- SJMerc: PG&E accused of delaying crucial repair work
- LAT: Gas blast inquiry studies effect of sewer project
- SFChron: Oakland cops, citizens see video cameras' value
- SCS: Santa Cruz City Council candidate runs afoul of famous logo's owner: The 'red-dot' can't be used in campaign
- SCS:Differences sharpening among Santa Cruz City Council contenders: Public safety, economic concerns key to race
SLO Trib: Achadjian, Zacarias embrace a civil race
- FresBee: Boeing, feds will pay Fresno settlement
- FresBee: Outgoing chancellor praised for UC Merced growth, cooperation
- BakCal: Council candidate profile: Humberto Gomez
- VCS:County nurses reject board's last contract offer
- VCS:CSUCI professor testifies before Senate on crush videos
- VCS:Taxpayers Association sues to get names of county's top-earning retirees
- LAT: California prosecutors accuse Bell leaders of plotting to enrich themselves
- LADN: State files suit against Bell officials
- SFChron: State sues over 'obscene' pay to Bell leaders
- SanGabTrib:Attorney General Brown announces salary probe and vows to investigate city officials statewide
- LAT: Vernon officials' compensation is focus of probe
- LAT: Local agencies can't limit train emissions, court rules
- LAT: Zine defends his backing of new Costco in Woodland Hills
OCVoice: Three Separate Agencies Are Paying Miguel Pulido to Drive
- LAT: Hyundai to build $150-million headquarters at Fountain Valley site
- OCReg: Inmate to deputies: 'You're killing me'
- RivPE: Some corruption charges against Erwin thrown out
- IVDB: Prosecution suffers setback in Erwin case
- IVDB: County rejects offer to settle suit
- SDUT: Lopez, wife to serve one day in misdemeanor case
- NCTimes: VISTA: Councilman Lopez, wife plead guilty to misdemeanor
- SDUT: County pension fund missed out on gains
- NCTimes: POWAY: School district revises Pledge of Allegiance announcement after objections