Monday, July 5, 2010
Nat'lRev: What Jefferson Wrought
SacBee: Campaigns spy on opponents in real time in California
Big Peace: The July 4th Happy Birthday to America Launch!
LAT: Brown's frugal campaign may be too little, too late
OakTrib: Boxer, Fiorina and the Delta
SBSun: Hygiene enters bag-ban debate
SacBee: The Buzz: Pot measure's supporters hope to 'friend' their way to victory
VCS: Increased lottery payouts spur sales, funnel more cash to schools
- SJMerc: What's farmland protection worth to California? Pocket change, apparently
NYTimes: Companies Find Ways to Bypass Ban on Earmarks
LAT: Mexican elections marred by violence
- SDUT: Bustamante appears to win Tijuana election
- RivPE: Schools' money woes rise
RivPE: San Bernardino to consider half-cent sales tax increase
RivPE: Riverside County vote-count mess leads to records requests
- DesSun:Ballot count affects Democrats
- DesSun:Supervisors vote to buy land for health clinic
- SDUT: Public comment period on Marine jets to close
The Golden Pen
SacBee: What's next for the water bond?
Townhall: 2010 Race of the Day: Golden State Needs A Little Red
Townhall: Word and deed and independence
- WSJ: Sheriffs Keep Pot in Sights
- SacBee: Roseville council term-limits measure called unfair
- SFChron: Adachi's petition push for pension overhaul
- OakTrib: Hayward considers easing affordable housing requirements
- SJMerc: Skype to leave San Jose and Brisbane offices for Palo Alto's famed research park
- SJMerc: Neighbor feud in Santa Cruz Mountains spawns gun rights battle
- SJMerc: Consolidate Santa Clara County school districts to save millions, grand jury recommends
- SFChron: Monterey area looks to sea for drinking water
- FresBee: FUSD sets out to lure new students
- FresBee: Fresno State done with furloughs
LADN: Ex-mayor Dick Riordan tries to gain union consessions
LADN: Mayor Villaraigosa gets a boost in battle for furloughs
IVDB: Rally against amnesty targets Dreier
How much "wasted" by OC Department of Education?