Monday, June 21, 2010
- VIDEO: Garrick's Weekly Address -- Democrats Play Budget Blame Game
OakTrib: Interest groups square off in critical special election
- SacBee: Gulf oil spill figures big in 15th Senate District race
Saturday's Main Page
- Sunday's Main Page
LAT: Whitman, Brown responses to controversies reflect their distinct styles
- CalWatch: New ads highlight Whitman's opposition to Arizona law
SFChron: Fiorina's husband has license to pack heat Fiorina's husband has license...
- WashTimes: Fiorina slams stimulus, focuses on jobs
- SFChron: Carly Fiorina bucks feminist stereotype
- CalWatch: Slate cards influence outcome of state schools chief race
SacBee: California government workers have built up $2.75 billion in paid time off
- SDUT: Cities, counties worry about funds
RivPE: Lawmakers battle over foreclosure remedies
- OakTrib: Legislation would put advertising on California license plates
- SacBee: The Buzz: Official state rock is bad for your health, state senator says
- SacBee: Stimulus surge in store for Sacramento region
- Hogue News:Is Sac Metro Chamber Hoping for Recalls?
OakTrib: S.F. Mayor Newsom proposes fee hikes to plug budget gap
- SFChron: Schools budget calls for hard cuts across board
- SFChron: Measure A poised to pass
- OakTrib: Kindergarteners wrap up year in dual-immersion program
- SJMerc: Civil grand jury accuses chairman of Santa Clara Valley Water District of flouting state ethics laws
NYTimes: Coverage of Palin Visit Allowed
- ModBee: Modesto City trustees vote today on cutting own pay by 5 percent
- FresBee: DUI law targets Tulare County
- FresBee: Legal aid funding divides lawmakers
- BakCal: Ashburn rumors were true, but were they relevant?
- VCS:Proposition 14's move to open primaries troubles party chiefs
The Golden Pen
Hogue News:The Cult of CNA: Political Mind-Control
- SDUT: Rare pension victory
SacBee: Brown, Whitman offer no direction on budget
SacBee: Prop. 8 role defines local Assembly hopeful
WklyStand: Running on Empty
- CCTimes: Report: Bay Area counties give so rural counties can receive
SacBee: Obama's judicial appointees among many California firsts
- CalWatch: California Watch launches Politics Verbatim
- LADN: New $74 million jail left vacant
- LAT: Red light camera pact collides with Arizona boycott
LAT: iPhone app puts a finger on city problems
- SanGabTrib:D.A. opens probe into claims of voter fraud in Montebello's 2009 City Council election
- LAT: Eli Broad: L.A.'s peripatetic patron
- LAT: Interactive map: Broad Buildings
- LAT: UC Irvine protest case raises questions about discipline practices
- O.C. pension data? We're still waiting
- RivPE: San Bernardino County sheriff is seeking alternatives to layoffs
- SBSun: D.A. to use fewer prosecutors
- IVDB: Democrats offer training classes for those who want to run for office
- IVDB: Elrod set to be arraigned Wednesday
RivPE: Riverside County political faction prevails over rival camp
- CalWatch: Escondido changes checkpoints' name, not procedures
- VOSD: Would-Be-Superintendents Won't Blow Up the School District
- VOSD: What's On Tap at City Hall