Thursday, April 15, 2010
IVDB: It's your last chance to file your return
- FresBee: Struggling taxpayers hesitate to file, pay IRS
- ModBee: File taxes today by midnight ... or else
- NRO: No One Is Safe from Higher Taxes
- The Hill:Survey: Few lawmakers file their own tax returns, citing tax code's complexity
- NRO: How Tax Day Became Payday
- Politico: For GOP, Tax Day is Xmas in April
- LAT: A breakdown of tax breaks
- SBSun: Report: Poor pay higher state tax share
SDUT: Tea party leaders anxious about extremists
- Politico: Palin throws Boston tea party
- The Hill:Tea Party snubs GOP leaders
- AmerSpec: Advice From the Original Tea Partiers
- SacBee: California tea partiers move from rallies to races
- Hogue News:Welcome To Your Tea Party Anniversary
- WaTimes:Tea partiers pour anti-tax energy into pre-Mall rally
- NYTimes: Poll Finds Tea Party Backers Wealthier and More Educated
- HumEvnts:Tea Party Holds Tax Day Rallies
- OCReg: Tea Party shuns Obama birthplace lawyer
- YouTube - New Ad: "Fiscal Conservative"
CCT Political Blotter: Whitman accused of manipulating media
- SJMerc: Whitman accused of manipulating media with video feeds
- SacBee: Is Whitman moving to control TV news?
- SacBee: Top GOP stars stumping for Meg Whitman
CapWkly: The Capitol Weekly Top 100 List
- SacBee: The State Worker: Agency employees get bad tax news on vehicle use
CalWatch: University of California admits more nonresident students
- SacBee: UC puts 10,000 applicants on waiting list
- LAT: UC a tougher bet this year for Californians, with 10,700 wait-listed
- CalCap: Fair Political Practices Commission Chair Ross Johnson Quits
- OCReg: Longtime ex-lawmaker resigns watchdog post
- CapWkly: Ross Johnson resigns as FPPC chairman
SacBee: Schwarzenegger administration says it saved millions not buying cars
BakCal: Ashburn pleads no contest
- FresBee: Ashburn pleads no contest to DUI
- SacBee: Sen. Ashburn gets 2 days in jail, 3 years' probation for DUI
- Cal State Stanislaus president says documents stolen, welcomes attorney general inquiry
- SFChron: Trashed document not Palin pact, college says
- ModBee: Stanislaus president questions finding of Palin contract
SDUT: Fiorina takes stand against financial reform bills
- NCTimes: REGION: Horn promotes Fiorina, anti-tax rally through county e-mail
- OCReg: DeVore has raised $1.8 million for Senate bid
- CalWatch: State politicians bringin' home the bacon
SJMerc: Effort under way to repeal high-speed rail bond measure
- VCS:Buyers race to get tax credit
LAT: California Lottery's Scratchers to pay more prizes
- CapWkly: Furlough Friday still in place while court ponders action
- SFChron: State worker furlough days may cost California
- DesSun:Economy, jobs expected focus of June runoff
- RivPE: Mail-in ballots key to Emmerson win in 37th Senate District
CapWkly: Business interests slipping funds into AD 5 race
- CD45: Pougnet camp fires back on health care assertions
- SacBee: 'California Dream Act' clears first hurdle
SDUT: Budget problems forcing prisons to cut counseling
- SDUT: State bill would end open-carry gun rights
- Politico: GOP can't reach deal on 'Contract'
- Politico: Will Crist jump the GOP ship?
- The Hill:Waxman calls on Major League Baseball officials to ban smokeless tobacco
- WaTimes: Taxpayers foot State Department's stiff liquor bill
SJMerc: For Supreme Court vacancy Zoe Lofgren?
- SFChron: Bob Egelko: Juicy record for judge rumored for high court
The Golden Pen
CapWkly: Congratulations, California taxpayers! You have finally earned enough to pay your taxes
NRO: The Cruelest Day
WSJ: Why Republicans Are Winning on the Tax Issue
OCReg: Make taxes lower and simpler
Hogue News: Welcome To Your Tea Party Anniversary
OCReg: For state workers, April 15 is Christmas
- OCReg: Editorial: Tax Day arrives to rising discontent
- VCS:Editorial: Tough week for taxpayers
- CalBuzz: eMeg's Video Feeds Put TV Stations on the Spot
- PV: California's Regulatory Swamp
- SDUT: Jerry Brown cares more about Corey Haim than CHP corruption
CapWkly: Lethal obstruction: Setting aside politics and fixing the death penalty
LAT: Jerry Brown, how about some specifics on how you'd fix the state?
- FresBee: EDITORIAL: CalPERS bill faces obstacles
- SDUT: Dont get hopes high yet
SacBee: Editorial: Sarah Palin flap reveals why CSU entities shouldn't sign non-disclosure pacts
- SacBee: Elk Grove council drops floodplain from expansion plan
- SacBee: Editorial: RT approves golden handshake in shameful fashion
- SFChron: Prosecutor: SFPD ignored tech's unreliability
- CCTimes: South San Francisco City Council votes to keep red-light cameras on
SJMerc: San Jose firefighters continue to blast proposed cuts, saying city wastes money elsewhere
- CCT Political Blotter: Dems ramp up local messaging, mobilization
- SJMerc: UC Berkeley acceptances from outside California hit record high
- ModBee: Berryhill foe presses legal challenge
- FresBee: Fresno Unified OKs $17.5m in cuts
- BakCal: U.S. Attorney says battling financial fraud, terrorism are among top priorities
- ModBee: E-mail fails to move Hughson councilman to resign
- SLO Trib: Ed Arnold pleads not guilty to child porn charges
- SCS:UC Santa Cruz scales back size of freshmen class
VCS:Camarillo council unanimously approves smoking ordinance
- VCS:Rio officials say they reported abuse suspicions long before trustee's arrest
LAT: LAPD slams the door on tailgaters
- LAT: L.A. council approves 4.5% electricity rate increase
- SanGabTrib:Glendora Councilman Clifford steps down to focus on career
- LADN: Los Angeles City Council tries to end standoff with DWP over rate hike
- LADN: City Councilman Richard Alarcón wants a freeze on rent increases
- LADN: Battle will continue after Lancaster voters OK prayer at city meeting
- CalWatch: Santa Ana schools will undergo drastic reform for federal funds
- OCReg: Capo teachers: District offer to talk a 'sham'
- VOC: Irvine Will Get $88 Million Toward Transportation Projects
- VOC: Hutchens Leads Sheriff's Race But Undecideds Loom Large
- RivPE: Riverside to change policies after police chief's traffic stop, officials say
DesSun:Nestande pulls shelter bill to get more support
- DesSun:General fund cash not needed for bridge
- DesSun:Council candidates await final vote tally
- RivPE: S.B. County didn't spend $300,000
- NCTimes: REGION: Supervisor to propose prescription drug deposit boxes
- SDUT: Ordinance would provide boxes to collect medicine
- SDUT: Councilwoman Boyack says she won't run for mayor
- SDUT: Officials hope new policy will save money, lives
- SDUT: Coast panel rejects waterfront overhaul
- NCTimes: REGION: Michelle Obama to tour local farm Thursday
- NCTimes: SAN DIEGO: Batteries blamed for blast at FedEx building
- VOSD: Vantage Pointe in Default