Monday, October 19, 2009
- VIDEO: Tom Fuentes Endorses Steve Poizner for Governor
POLITICO: MPAA chairman to step down
- CMDailyPilot: Obama, climate change panned
- HumEvnts:Pawlenty, Poizner Score at Western CPAC
Saturday's Main Page
- Sunday's Main Page
- SFChron: State GOP tries to steal Dems' fire over water
SacBee: Senate's Darrell Steinberg: Deficit battles dampen his ambitious plans
OakTrib: More budget fallout: Most of California's union employees working under stale labor deals
- SacBee: Fiscal impact of state climate law disputed
FresBee: Firebrand style draws yeas, nays for Nunes
LAT: Feds won't pursue pot users who follow state law
- LAT: Environmental concerns delay solar projects in California desert
The Golden Pen
HogueNews: Republicans Candidates Wrong on Creating Jobs
SacBee: Turnabout on California workers' holidays just fair play
- Red County: Whitman Should Re-think Her Position on Public Funding of Abortion
- SDUT: A bold - and smart - tax fix
- CMDaily Pilot:O.C. Fair campaign mobilizes
- SacBee: Viewpoing: Sacramento 'world-class'? Not with burdens on business
- CalPensions: Cost-cutting initiative: end pension competition
- CalCap: Long-Time South Bay Senator Bob Beverly Dead at 84
- SFChron: Photo op was order from the White House
- SacBee: State budget crunch undercuts local redevelopment plans
- SFChron: S.F. chief sets eyes on spies for safety's sake
- SFChron: Muni finds almost 10% of riders are fare cheats
- CCT Political Blotter: Wilson hires big guns in AD15 challenge
- CCTimes: East Bay parks to reach 100,000-acre mark
- SJMerc: San Jose weighs far-reaching access to police records
- CCT Political Blotter: McNerney, Goehring take fundraising leads
- FresBee: Republican uses his own funds in campaign against Cardoza
- StockRec:McNerney wants Delta communities to have voice
- VentStar: Workshop to focus on thousands of early-release inmates
- LAT: Head of biggest city pension agency resigns
- LADN: LAUSD schools facing big choices in reform
- SanGabTrib:Leftovers from City Hall: El Monte's city manager resigns after arrest
LAT: Two prominent Republicans are among the five vying for Assembly seat
- OCReg: Rep. Sanchez hosts call-in health town halls
- DesSun:County Board race is on, despite state lag
- DesSun:Rep. Mary Bono Mack talks about drugs
- SDRostra: Rexford's Husband Said to Threaten Neighbor with "Gun"
- SDUT: Campaign cash for Bilbray, re-election rivals tops $1 million
- SDUT: Marine protection plan will curtail S.D. catches
- SDUT: Inaction has a cost for homeowners
- NCTimes: MILITARY: Congressional reps split on 'don't ask, don't tell'