Thursday, July 23, 2009
Conservative Leaders To Legislature: Wait 72 Hours Before A Vote On Budget Deal -- Give Public A Chance To Give Input
CapWkly: Proposed big screen TV ban would hurt California economy
- CalBuzz Counterpoint: Why A Conservative Backs Term Limits
FRBlog: Senate Republicans Start Publishing Actual Text of Budget Bills...
- FRBlog: Read The Details On The Budget Deal
DesSun: Schwarzenegger addresses budget cuts with knife
- SacBee: Schwarzenegger claims progress on reform
- SacBee: Delay in prison decision rescues California budget deal
- SacBee: State Worker: Furloughs' costs aren't just in cash
- SFChron: Whew! State budget deal back on track
- SacBee: Local officials decry budget's transfer of redevelopment funds
- SFChron: How prisoner reduction plan would work
- OakTrib: California budget hinges on 27,000 inmates
- FresBee: Calif. schools could lose $35m in anti-drug grants
- IVDB: State budget plan might shut down some city redevelopment agencies
- SJMerc: California's fragile budget deal still on track, Schwarzenegger insists
- SJMerc: California's high school exit exam will remain a requirement for graduation
- LAT: Vote on prison plan in California budget is delayed
- VentStar: State lawmakers float alternative to dipping into city, county cash
- LADN: State budget deal decried by local officials
- OCReg: Flap over early release of prisoners dies down
- OCReg: Cities say they'll sue if plan to raid local coffers moves ahead
- CapWkly: State budget: turmoil in the work place
- CapWkly: Local road work at risk in new budget agreement
- CapWkly: Most parks avoid the axe, but questions remain
- SFChron: GOP 2010 gubernatorial candidates weigh in on latest budget brouhaha
LAT: Phil Angelides on quest to find truth amid financial rubble
- OakTrib: Hancock reopens term-limit reform debate
- California bill would recognize same-sex marriages from other states
CapWkly: CalPERS' value drops dramatically in 2008-09 fiscal year
- CapWkly: An unusual battle: big business vs. small business
- LAT: California issues formal apology for past discrimination against Chinese
Politico: Dems raise concerns about Boxer
HumEvnts: F-22 Fight Not Over
The Golden Pen
SFChron: Boxer and Feinstein play military hawks
- WSJ: California Progress
- CapWkly: Government pensions: A partisan issue
- CapWeekly: The sounds of silence: How the GOP’s soft sell almost sank the budget
LAT: Budget's a mess, but it's our mess
- SacBee: Sacramento-area foreclosure total nears 42,000
- SacBee: School districts in Sacramento region were ready for budget cuts
- SacBee: Mayor wants to boost arts by attracting more film productions to Sacramento
- SFChron: New problems for Bay Bridge construction
- OakTrib: Oakland Army Base vote to come Tuesday
- LAT: California takes control of strapped Monterey County school district
- StockRec: In-home caregivers' pay restored for now
- ModBee: City, county leaders decry state budget
- LAT: L.A. collects nearly $3 million from delinquent business taxpayers
- LAT: L.A. may relax some tough watering restrictions
RedCounty: Performance Auditor Issues Stinging Report On County Planning Department
- LAT: Orange County's planning department in 'critical condition'
- OCReg: FBI lab to open in O.C. to nab cyber criminals
- RivPE: Former San Bernardino County assessor accuses DA of getting personal in court documents
- VVPress: Postmus reacts to felony charges
RivPE: Good causes to be next to feel pinch in Riverside County
- SDUT: County fairgrounds said to be off state budget's for-sale list
- SDUT: Opening Day at track is "Disneyland for adults"
SDUT: Still not living within our means