Thursday, June 18, 2009
Governor Will Veto Dems Tax Increases - Republicans Must Insist On A Complete $24 Billion Fix NOW
LAT: A purple and golden moment at Lakers rally
RivPE: Figures don't back supervisor's statement concerning event proceeds
SacBee: Democrats plan to pass California budget plan next week
- OakTrib: California Democrats unveil budget plan, but Schwarzenegger vows veto
- ModBee: Tax hikes are sticking point for budget plan
- VentStar: Budget fixes moving ahead
- LAT: Governor says he'll veto Democrats' budget plan
- IVDB: Governor, Republicans balk at new state budget proposal
- OCReg: Democrats vow to push for more tax increases
- CalCap: Democrats Offer Their Plan to Close the Budget Gap. Like the Governor, $4.9 Billion in School Cuts
- SacBee: Democrats push to suspend California high school exit exam
- SFChron: Governor vows to save graduation requirement
- Budget committee considers cutting school exit exams
LAT: Lawmaker returns joke gift from Schwarzenegger
RedCounty: Gavin Newsom Proves Candidates Must Know When Not to Engage
CCTimes: Gubernatorial hopeful Tom Campbell talks budget in Foster City
State on fast track to rail cash
- SacBee: State settles suit seeking online access to all bills
- SFChron: Californians want health care reform, poll says
- CapWkly: Redistricting: Ultimate political battle looms in California
CapWkly: Financial firms gave to union while leader sat on CalPERS
- SFChron: State may apologize for past discrimination
- SacBee: Homebuyer tax credit in state to run out soon
- SacBee: Gas price's steady rise fuels small-business anxieties
- LAT: Low-performing charter schools in California could close under plan
- CapWkly: Greenhouse gas fight raises questions of impact on jobs, economy
- CapWkly: Lawmakers want ARB to study economic impact of AB 32
- CapWkly: State workers, agencies try to flee the general fund
- CapWkly: Senate EQ votes to save OEHHA
- SacBee: Cal-OSHA workers protest appeals system
The Golden Pen
OCReg: Sell and modernize state to solvency
Townhall: The California Albatross
- CalBuzz: What's Next for the 21st Century (Tax) Commission
- SFChron: California needs to make wiser use of school funding
CapWkly: Redistricting reform will create a more responsive state government
- SDUT: Will Block live up to 2008 anti-tax rhetoric?
SacBee: Instead of making things better, new tobacco bill stinks
- SacBee: Sacramento airport expands as passenger numbers decline
- SacBee: UC backs new UC Davis chief, won't probe her role in Illinois controversy
- SacBee: Sacramento County OKs budget -- and 800 layoffs
- SFChron: Crowds pack S.F. City Hall to protest cuts
OakTrib: Perata reception to move Oakland mayoral bid forward
- OakTrib: Port approves $70 million for BART airport connector
- CCTimes: East Bay dam expansion plan raises hackles in Sierra
- CCTimes: State should consider taxes to close budget gap, supervisors say
- SJMerc: Santa Clara Valley Water District accused of being awash in cash while county and cities drown in red ink
- SJMerc: San Jose Unified expected to raise class sizes from 20 to 30 kids in early grades
- StockRec: Will vote mend SUSD?
- StockRec: Wary of fare hikes, transit officials weigh layoffs, cuts
- StockRec: Tough decisions get tougher for Delta College
- FresBee: Kings River Conservancy sets out on first big project
- FresBee: Fresno Unified's $990 million budget spares teachers
- BakCal: Report: Kern County struggling with economic recovery
- LADN: Court upholds LAPD ban on asking immigration status
- LAPD's Special Order 40 on immigrants upheld
- LADN: LAUSD watchdog office to be cut by 25%
- OCReg: Protest in Irvine denounces Iranian election
- O.C. council members to host tea party of their own
- RivPE: Riverside County Sheriff Sniff to face challenge in 2010 election
- SDVoice: U.S. Attorney Pick Hits Political Roadblock
- SDVoice: The W's Trouble: 'The Tip of a Very, Very Large Iceberg'
- SDUT: Benefits for ex-city employees examined
- SDUT: State turns down plan to expand power plant