Thursday, May 7, 2009
Assembly Republican Leader Sam Blakeslee<br \>Some Thoughts This Morning
- CapWkly: Blakeslee to become new Republican leader of the Assembly
- SacBee: Villines' replacement vote due today
- SFChron: Assembly GOP Leader Expected To Resign
FR's Jon Fleischman Interviews Van Tran About His Announcement That He Is Running For Congress
- OCReg: Van Tran launches campaign against Rep. Loretta Sanchez
SacBee: Steinberg warns of deep spending cuts
- CapWkly: Governor retools message in campaign's closing days
- LAT: Californians warned about rejecting budget-related propositions
- IVDB: State controller: Most difficult times we have ever faced
- VentStar: Raid on local taxes possible
NYTimes: Schwarzenegger Urges a Study on Legalizing Marijuana Use
- CalBuzz: Roll 'Em and Tax 'Em: What Gov Contenders Say About Legal Pot
CapWkly: The Skinny: Moving on
SFChron: Whitman: "Prosecute illegal all of our cities."
- SFChron: SFGate: Politics Blog : Meg Whitman says she's a "huge fan" of ... Obama "green czar" Van Jones?
- BakCal: Government roundup: Whitman scared? McCarthy getting kids fit
- NYTimes: Group Renews Fight for Same-Sex Marriage in California
- LAT: California voters likely to revisit gay marriage
RollCall: Democrats See Golden Pickup Opportunities in California
- LAT: Subpoena in pension fund probe puts spotlight on Sacramento lobbyist
- SFChron: UC Boss Cites Progress, Hires Marketers
CapWkly: SEIU contract snared in special election fight
- CapWkly: Q&A with Jimmy Camp
- CCTimes: Lawmakers to scrutinize accounting firms
The Golden Pen
SDUT: Governor's warning of fire cuts a new low - OCReg: Editorial: Arnold's scary stories
- SDUT: Bad teachers need not fear in California
- SFChron: Proposition 1C - C stands for conniving
Townhall: Forget Bush, Not Reagan
CapWkly: Meg Whitman: a female Checchi or Simon?
- FR VIDEO - California Legislators Oppose Proposition 1A
- SacBee: Tax-credit scholarships offer school choice
- CapWkly: Enviro Beat: Politics, policy, protections converge on Lake Tahoe
- SFChron: Silicon Valley Execs Oppose Obama Tax Plan
- SJMerc: San Jose: Anxiety, frustration grow among city workers as layoffs loom
- SJMerc: 7 of 10 members of San Jose task force on public drunkenness arrests resign in protest
- SacBee: Delta landowners say no to peripheral canal survey
- StockRec: Solar-powered housing complex is Stockton first
- StockRec: Calaveras eyes tax hike to cover shortfall
- FresBee: Groups announce opposition to ballot initiatives
- LAT: Wind-whipped fire rips through Santa Barbara
- VentStar: Democrats target Gallegly's congressional seat
- LADN: County looks for more cost-cutting possibilities
- LAT: Teacher paid for no work tells his side
- LAT: 11 congressional candidates participate in forum
OCReg: In OC visit, Newt Gingrich compares Obama to Jimmy Carter
- OCReg: O.C. public guardian criticized for mismanagement
- IVDB: San Bernardino County public attorneys to appeal venue change for Erwin
- RivPE: San Bernardino City Council will consider easing restrictions on some businesses
- SDUT: Questions trail city's contracting administrator
- SDUT: University backs off in transfer of remains
- SDUT: City's crown jewel could shine more brilliantly
- SDUT: Mayor told to halt attempt to expel port commissioner