Wednesday, April 22, 2009
After Half-Hour Talk From Villines, State GOP ExComm Rejects His Rationale, Opposes All Ballot Props
SacBee: Capitol staffers receive raises
- SFChron: Budget woes? Assembly leaders give staff raises
- LAT: Hard times not felt by Assembly leaders' staff
- CapWkly: Speaker Bass okays pay hikes for Assembly staff
SacBee: SEIU contract stalled in the Assembly
SFChron: Newsom Announces Guv Campaign Online
- CCTimes: S.F. Mayor Gavin Newsom officially enters race for governor
- LAT: Newsom officially enters governor's race -- and Twitters the announcement
- SFChron: Expect to see even less of Newsom during run
SacBee: Dominoes fall in 2010 races as Garamendi opts for Congress
- SFChron: Garamendi expected to announce Congressional run
ModBee: Fund-raisers earn Denham $400,000
SJMerc: DeVore is well behind Boxer in fundraising for Senate race
- SFChron: Voters Cast First Ballots In Special Election
- SFChron: Kids, not gamblers, are focus of first radio ad for Prop. 1C
- SFChron: Vote for Prop. 1D -- Kill a baby
- SDUT: Outcome for Prop. 1A, 1B intertwined in May vote
- LAT: Proposition 1B would provide $9.3 billion for California schools
- LAT: SEIU gives $1 million to proposition campaigns
TheHill: Harman fires back on audiotape
- Politico: Harman calls out NSA
SFChron: Feinstein Adamant: No Conflict Of Interest
- LADN: Feinstein's offer preceded deal for her husband's firm
CalBuzz: Whole Earth Democrat Seeks Party Chair for Grassroots
SacBee: California plans to cut fuels' carbon footprint
VentStar: Solar subsidies could reach 70 percent
LAT: Schwarzenegger may return to big screen
- SacBee: California launches water-saving campaign
- FresBee: State launches campaign to conserve water
- SFChron: Increase In California's Native Population
- LAT: A $100-million bet on making fuel from trash
The Golden Pen
SacBee: Prop. 1B: More of what got us into a mess
- VentStar: When $25,900 isn't enough
SacBee: Stanford study of exit exam shows fallacy
- California's Capitol Talks With Rocky Delgadillo
- HumEvts: 7 Conservative Ways to Celebrate Earth Day
- Nat'lRev: The Death of Democratic Capitalism?
- VIDEO: DeMint on Tea Parties and the Need for Freedom to Increase, not Government
- SacBee: Sacramento supervisors' vote expected on monitoring CPS changes
- SacBee: Sacramento-area schools use race-based assemblies to push standardized tests
- SacBee: Earth Day in the region
- SFChron: Many Contra Costa crooks won't be prosecuted
- OakTrib: Toll lane plan nears decision; debate grows
- SJMerc: San Jose council votes down porn filters at public library computers
- SJMerc: Community college enrollment growth outpaces resources, shutting out students
- SJMerc: San Jose council members want to remove Reed from leading search for new police auditor
- StockRec: Supervisors' vote may jeopardize greenbelt plan
- StockRec: Price to build new Calaveras jail creeping up
- ModBee: Stanislaus County mental health, drug programs taking $6.9 million budget hit
- FresBee: Visalia man to seek recall of county supervisor
- VentStar: Supervisors delay vote on clerk-recorder
LADN: Mayor: Deep cuts will 'kill education in L.A.'
- LAT: Villaraigosa prefers early retirement to layoffs
- LADN: L.A. councilman pushes prickly solution to water shortage - cactus
- LADN: Child welfare system under scrutiny
- LAT: Shocking news, yet familiar too
- LAT: Panel opposes naming new LAPD headquarters after Parker
- OCReg: O.C. may have to pay convicted assistant sheriff Jaramillo $750,000
- OCReg: 'America's Most Wanted' host supports Carona
- OCReg: Ex-sheriff Carona wants probation, not prison
- SBSun: Supervisors decide on Biane's uncle for panel
- DesSun: Valley getting funds for water projects
- RivPE: Riverside County budget gap grows for next fiscal year
- SDUT: Empty Rooms
- SDUT: Council approves deals with 3 unions
- SDUT: School budget woes endanger cultural experiences program