Thursday, December 11, 2008
SacBee: California air board to vote on plan to slash emissions
- SJMerc: California proposes rules limiting pollution from nearly all diesel trucks in the state
- FresBee: Do some truckers face the end of the road?
- LAT: State could get tough on dirty diesels
SacBee: California nears 'financial Armageddon,' governor warns
- SacBee: Q&A: State budget crisis
- SFChron: State Deficit Near $15 Billion, Governor Says
- OakTrib: Schwarzenegger: California could be heading to 'financial Armageddon'
- LAT: State budget gap may hit $41.8 billion
- LADN: Governor: California's budget crisis is worsening
- RivPE: California's widening budget deficit imperils Inland area projects
- SDUT: Governor: Fiscal 'Armageddon' near
ValleyWag: Why eBay's star CEO isn't famous enough for politics
- CCTimes: New battle cry for Dems: Get rid of two-thirds vote on budget
OakTrib: Perata shifted $1.5 million from PAC to his legal defense
SacBee: The Buzz: Torres up for stem-cell panel job
- SJMerc: Few participated in 'call in gay' day to protest Prop 8 same-sex marriage ban
- DesSun: 'Calling in gay' more about a statement
SacBee: Bush administration makes last-minute changes in farmworker hiring
- SFChron: Berkeley Physicist Likely Next Energy Chief
- OakTrib: Berkeley labs chief nominated as energy secretary
- SFChron: Auto Bailout Passed By House But ...
- The Roll Call - 237-170
The Golden Pen
AmSpec: Greens Against Growth
OCReg: California Focus: Taxpayers always lose on budget compromises
- SDUT: AB 32 fiasco shows state doesn't know best
- SacBee: Editorial: Time for candor on climate plan
- FresBee: Air board must be honest about real cost of tackling greenhouse gas
- FresBee: Return to part-time legislature
WSJ: We Need a Bailout Exit Strategy
WSJ: How the GOP Should Prepare for a Comeback
- Duncan wants to keep RNC chairmanship
- Townhall: The GOP Has Some Fight Left
- SacBee: Local officials back health care union in SEIU consolidation bid
- SFChron: S.F. Port Leases Space Far Below Market Rate
- SJMerc: San Jose cool to tepidly optimistic on A's stadium
- SJMerc: East Side Union chief to propose a budget that eliminates all sports
- FresBee: Valley GOP opposed to auto bailout
- LAT: Caruso's Montecito project wins crucial backing
- VentStar: Review of campaign financing law urged
- LADN: Chick rejects a truce with Delgadillo
- LAT: Los Angeles council says no to $100,000 for Laura Chick's battle with Rocky Delgadillo
- LAT: Crash thrusts Metrolink chief into the unwelcome limelight
- LAT: Orange County cuts 210 workers
- OCReg: Massive layoffs proposed at county's social services agency
- LAT: Carona's lawyers scramble to find witnesses
- OCReg: Carona trial: FBI agent describes 'secret closet' in sheriff's office
- O.C. reps look to Senate to stop auto bailout
- IVDB: Hansberger: Records were "appropriately" tossed
- RivPE: Fontana flips fireworks sales back on
- SDUT: County up against fire wall