Friday, October 31, 2008
CATO - High-Speed Rail: The Wrong Road for America
LAT: Schwarzenegger stands with bipartisan coalition opposing Proposition 5
LADN: Bond measures facing hard sell in time of economic crisis
- SacBee: There are many culprits in $10 billion budget mess
LADN: Absentee ballots likely to set record
- SFChron: Oh, Those Annoying Robocalls
- SacBee: 'Yes on Prop. 8' gaining on foes, poll finds
- SJMerc: Margin narrows; Obama support crucial on gay-marriage ban
- LAT: In the fight over Prop. 8, confusion reigns
- BakCal: How does Proposition 8 affect the schools?
- OCReg: Neighbors at odds over Prop. 8
- SDUT: Prop. 8 trails, yet gap keeps narrowing
- SanGabTrib:Prop. 9 seeks to aid crime victims
- SFChron: State May Give Less Water To Local Agencies
- SJMerc: California cuts water deliveries to cities, farms to second lowest level ever
- StockRec:State to cut water deliveries
- BakCal: Water deliveries slated to plunge to 15 percent of requests
- LAT: California water shortages could lead to rationing, officials say
- LADN: Water supply cut to 15% trickle
- SDUT: State water officials fear bad year in '09
LAT: Michael Carona's 'love nest' discussed in the ex-O.C. sheriff's corruption trial
- OCReg: Co-defendant created 'nest egg' for herself, Carona, witness says
- OCReg: Frank Mickadeit: Hey, where'd you get that cool suit?
- LAT: Testifying in his own corruption trial would be a huge gamble for Michael Carona
WashTimes: Washington Times kicked off Obama plane for finale
- WashTimes: Obama considering Emmanuel for Chief of Staff?
- CCTimes: California group goes after Obama in battleground states
- SFChron: Many Blacks, Fearing Problems, Voting Early
- SFChron: Palin Looks Ahead To Her Political Future
- SFChron: Why Obama isn't the man for the White House
- SJMerc: Candidates log long days as campaign nears end
- SJMerc: Poll of voters shows more doubts about Palin
- LAT: What's up with still-undecided voters?
- LAT: McCain and Obama focus on differences on economy
- SDUT: McCain opts for TV over ground game
The Golden Pen
OCReg: Memo to the uninformed: Stay home
- Reason VIDEO : Where's my bailout?
Forbes: A Message From The 'Mainstream Media'
SacBee: Capital voters face a tough mayoral choice
- SacBee: Ad Watch: GOP tries to tie Brown to Pelosi
- SacBee: Keen interest plus technology could add up to record youth vote
- SacBee: Melting Pot succumbs to meltdown
- OakTrib: Council candidates: Voters ready for change
- OakTrib: Dellums requests state to investigate police handling of Bailey killing
- OakTrib: Bay Area students excited about election, politics
- SJMerc: Silicon Valley tech CEOs join 'Vote Hour' get-out-the-vote effort
- SJMerc: Young voters may hold key on BART tax
- ModBee: Stricter limits on burning wood fire up
- ModBee: It's in the Mail
- FresBee: Big outside money backs Perea in Fresno mayor's race
BakCal: Campaign '08: Former Rep. Bill Thomas says Obama, party creating a revolution
- VentStar: Record 425,968 eligible to vote in Ventura County
- VentStar: 19th senate district ad watch: A Strickland flyer
- VentStar: Prison jobs seen as good and bad
- VentStar: Ad Watch: Flyer mailed by democratic party referring to Audra Strickland
- VentStar: County elections official says he's retiring
- LAT: Julie Korenstein, 22-year L.A. Unified school board member, to not seek reelection
- LADN: Critics of Measure Q cite its high cost
- LAT: Another go-round for L.A.'s Pershing Square
- DesSun: Provisional balloting could slow elections
- SDUT: Councilman campaigns against colleague
- SDUT: 2 unions campaign against privatizing
- SDUT: SDG&E's shut-off plan put on hold