Monday, September 29, 2008
Vote NO On The Immoral Bail-Out
HumEvts: CA GOP'ers Cheer House GOP'ers on Bailout Stance
- OCReg: Language wizard guards his words, former governor does not
- Melanie Morgan: Live by the Recall Vote, Die by the Recall?
- LADN: GOP stays out of redistricting fight
Saturday's Main Page
- Sunday's Main Page
- OakTrib: Did Republicans break no-tax pledge?
- SacBee: Will state budget delay boost redistricting initiative?
- CCTimes: Schwarzenegger: Any president better than Bush on global warming
SacBee: Partisanship on the line in 4th Congress District race
- SacBee: The Buzz: Campaigns at loggerheads over vet resource list
- SacBee: Ad Watch: Ad mocks McClintock's ineligibility to vote in his 4th Congressional race
- SFChron: Prop. 11 Seeks Redistricting Reform
- OakTrib: Health care reforms back on governor's plate
- LAT: Schwarzenegger grapples with new medical insurance laws
LAT: Schwarzenegger vetoes cosmetic surgery bill
SacBee: Q&A: Governor's top water exec is hot for $10 billion bond
SFChron: Bailout -- 'All Of Us Will Swallow Hard'
- OakTrib: Obama, McCain give measured support for bailout
- SJMerc: Congress, administration reach bailout deal
- SJMerc: $700 billion bailout may be just step one to end financial crisis
- SanGabTrib: House to vote on bailout package
- LAT: Paulson set to become most powerful mortgage financier of the modern era
- LAT: Wall Street rescue heads to House vote
- OCReg: Bailout deal is struck. Was Depression averted?
- IVDB: $700B rescue generates heat
- SDUT: Overhauled bailout faces test today in House vote
The Golden Pen
HumEvnts: Why I Oppose the Bailout
- VIDEO: Fox News - Hannity and Gingrich
- WSJ: A Main Street Rescue
- Politico: GOP leaders on board; will others join?
OCReg: California Prop. 6 editorial: A criminally bad anti-crime measure
SacBee: Many foibles played roles in stalemate
- SacBee: Troubled Copia's new plan unsettles insurer
- SacBee: Placer board split on ballot bid to raise its own pay
- SacBee: On the Move: UC Davis Medical Center names chief operating officer
- SFChron: Greening plan needs a lot of green money
- SFChron: S.F. Supes Races Key To Board's Political Tilt
- SJMerc: San Jose seeks voter approval to maintain phone taxes
- ModBee: The Bee has changed, but commitment hasn't
- FresBee: Fresno residents could face changes in how they use water
- FresBee: Candidates vie for school board seat
- LAT: Rivals for L.A. County supervisor fight for attention
- DesSun: Ads put attacks on rival in spotlight
- RivPE: Voters to get voice on ethics issue
- IVDB: District stirs Prop. 8 debate
- LAT: Orange County pastors test the IRS rule against politicking
- O.C. home construction drops 94%
- OCReg: $6 million spike in cost of UCI stem cell center
- SDUT: Hopefuls for 78th map out platforms