Wednesday, July 16, 2008
SacBee: Obama lead widens over McCain in California Field Poll
- RivPE: Obama pulls in Clinton supporters, leads McCain by 24 percent
- SacBee: Assembly goes on vacation amid California budget deadlock
- SFChron: Governor frustrated by state's late budget
- SacBee: AAA shutting California call centers earlier than expected
LAT: California port fee would fight pollution, congestion
- SacBee: AAA insurance break
- SacBee: Twelfth measure to be put on ballot
SJMerc: Beall finds beer-tax debate isn't going stale
LADN: UC regents to consider admissions changes
- SacBee: Dying Manson follower denied compassionate release
- RivPE: Parole board turns down dying Manson follower
- LAT: Same-sex marriage proponents urge San Diego hotel boycott
CCTimes: McNerney maintains steady fund-raising pace
OCReg: Congressman has financial stake in O.C. tollway
TheHill: House Republicans stand to benefit from earmark bans
- SFChron: Congress overrides Bush veto of Medicare bill
SFChron: McCain's adoption opposition riles gays
- OCReg: McCain discusses bill for illegal immigrants
NYTimes: McCain Names More Top Fund-Raisers, Including Lobbyists
- Politico: Fannie, Freddie spent $200M to buy influence
The Golden Pen
SFChron: Market insurance
SacBee: It's chemical warfare in Capitol
SacBee: Don't expect new drilling off the coast anytime soon
OCReg: Editorial: Give taxpayers a say on pension boosts
- SDUT: Justices restore employers' free-speech rights
SacBee: McClintock's funds shrink in House race
- SacBee: Revised Sacramento County gang-tax plan finds support
- SacBee: Supervisors OK higher parking fines
- SacBee: Sacramento-area auto dealers assess changed industry
SFChron: S.F. fires up two-pronged attack on smoking
- SFChron: Mayor skips D.A.'s press meet on techie arrest
- CCTimes: Martinez residents to vote on $50 annual school parcel tax
SJMerc: Is San Jose mayor 'out of step' on same-sex marriage?
- StockRec: Galgiani to serve on Ag Committee
StockRec: San Joaquin County adds itself to green-conscious list
- FresBee: Fresno median solicitors allowed
- VentStar: Delegation upbeat about meeting with prison care receiver
- LADN: Valley landmark Sportsmen's Lodge to close
LAT: Pension hikes for O.C. workers should get voters' OK, supervisor says
- RivPE: Riverside County implements new overtime rules; workers vocally object
- Public employees take case for OT to supervisors
SDUT: Sanders turns up heat on agency
- SDUT: Mayoral sidekick a dogged defender