Thursday, May 8, 2008
- SacBee: Perata pulls plug on bid to recall GOP Sen. Denham
- SFChron: Perata Drops Bid To Recall GOP Senator
- CCTimes: Perata drops 'Dump Denham' campaign
- OakTrib: Perata drops 'Dump Denham' campaign
- SJMerc: Perata drops bid to recall GOP legislator Denham
- StockRec: Perata ends recall bid of Denham
- MontereyHerald: Perata drops Denham recall campaign
- SalinasCalif: Denham Recall Off
- ModBee: Denham recall backers give up
- LAT: Perata drops bid to recall GOP senator from Atwater
Politico: Boehner's GOP fix: A new committee
SJMerc: California deficit still anyone's guess
SacBee: Law firm vows to sue if U.S. links climate to polar bear's survival
- SacBee: Critics call crime initiative a ploy to lure 'ultraconservatives' to polls
SFChron: Next UC Chief: Homey Image, Hefty Mission
SacBee: Gates reduces his stake in Pacific Ethanol stock
CapWkly: Gov%u2019s vision for state%u2019s tech future is Topic A at conference
- CapWkly: Unresolved issues from writers' strike spill over into Capitol
- CapWkly: Obscure effort to charge for unlisted numbers leads to ferocious lobbying fight in Capitol
- SDUT: Stem cell group gets its first building block
- CapWkly: New non-profit group faces political test in redistricting fight
- SacBee: Placer mourns loss of beloved political leader Bill Santucci
- SacBee: Placer Ranch project delayed
- SacBee: A standout proposal
- SacBee: Seven candidates meet in freewheeling debate
- SacBee: Mailer attacks Johnson
- SacBee: Two big Sacramento-area school districts face tough searches for new superintendents
SFChron: S.F. Teacher Layoff Notices Rescinded
- SFChron: Moth-Spraying Foes Plan Events
- CCTimes: Vallejo vows to keep services afloat during bankruptcy proceedings
- SJMerc: City's 911 fee could end up on fall ballot
- CapWkly: What's really going on in Half Moon Bay?
- SacBee: River restoration plan passes Senate panel
- FresBee: Union poised to make difference in Valley vote
The Golden Pen
WSJ: In Defense of RINO Hunting
- SJMerc: Reform, fund schools without new taxes
- FresBee: Legislature should censure Don Perata and then tell him to leave
- LAT: A new water strategy
WSJ: It's Obama, Warts and All
SacBee: Conservative flat tax idea could serve liberal ends
SacBee: Fat chance of reforming initiative process
- CCTimes: Tribe wanting to buld casino granted 254 acres in Bay Area
LAT: A confident Obama shifts focus to McCain
SDUT: Cash-strapped Clinton vows she'll fight on
- BakCal: Recall attempt against Weir starts; opponents serve papers at council meeting
VentStar: Coastal panel delays power plant hearing
- LADN: 101-405 improvement project may slice into wildlife refuge
- LAT: L.A. school dean suspected of concealing evidence in sex case
- LAT: Tejon Ranch pact would allow 26,000 homes on the range
LAT: U.S. says Carona can get a fair trial in Orange County
- OCReg: Federal prosecutors want Carona trial to stay in O.C.
- LAT: Inmate attorney blames Orange County jail woes on deputies union
- RivPE: S.B. County Supervisors on par with neighboring counties
- SDUT: SDSU drug sting draws scorn, praise
- SDUT: Candidates consider crime a key issue
- SDUT: Tribe cuts aspects of its resort hotel plan
- SDUT: A rising number of Democratic voters