Friday, May 2, 2008
LAT: Gov.'s staff exploring new taxes
RivPE: Role as casino regulator gives Jerry Brown fine line to walk as he ponders next step
SFChron: Perata Defends Recall Effort
SacBee: Airport ban could make governor's commute longer
SacBee: Assembly passes airline passengers' bill of rights
- LAT: California Assembly seeks rights for airline passengers
SacBee: Sierra snow comes up short
- SJMerc: Snowpack levels now lagging
- FresBee: Snow levels below normal
- LAT: Summer may be grim for California's water supply
- SDUT: Pressure on state to reduce water use
- SFChron: No Fishing For Salmon
- SacBee: Salmon ban aid clears hurdle
- CCTimes: Federal agency declares West Coast salmon fisheries disaster
FresBee: Senate OKs 'Hubbard Act' to benefit sole-survivor vets
- LAT: California Senate approves bonus plan to draw experienced teachers to struggling schools
- VentStar: Anti-war protests cut work at ports
- LAT: Dockworkers take May Day off, idling all West Coast ports
SacBee: Rallies ring in May Day
- LADN: Thousands march for immigrants' rights
- LADN: Mayor, others slam immigration raids
- LAT: March smaller, but festive
- DesertSun: Messages abound at march in Indio
- OCReg: Immigrant rights rally draws only 200 marchers to Santa Ana
- SDUT: Peaceful rallies held for, vs. immigration
- SDUT: State's population now 38 million, or 1 in 8 Americans
- SJMerc: Mineta, ex-senator forged ties at internment camp
AP: McCain Tells Iowans He Would Veto Ag Subsidies
- WashTimes: McCain sets sights on moderates
The Golden Pen
Nat'lRev: Golden Moment - OCReg: Governor wrong on land-grab reform
- LAT: Grand Old Party Animal
WklyStand: California's College Conundrum
SacBee: The CRAFT of picking the best GOP candidates
- OCReg: Car-pool lane rules loosening up
SacBee: Republicans create their own theater of the absurd
- SacBee: Regional growth? Not so fast, at least in '07
- SacBee: Budget plan taps reserves
- SacBee: Brown focuses on veterans' issues
- SFChron: UCSF Waited On Breach
- SFChron: 6,000 UCSF patients' data got put online
SFChron: Wanted: Full-Time Oakland Mayor
- CCTimes: State budget town hall convenes in Alameda
- SJMerc: Interviews today for superintendent's job
- SJMerc: Tough choices in budget proposal
- StockRec: S.J. supervisors' assistants must disclose financial interests in future
- FresBee: Governor responds to Bee's criticism of casino compact
- VentStar: T.O. initiative is dividing business groups
LADN: School chief's duties shift to mayor's advisor
- LAT: O.C. Grand Jury lauds county's jail nurses but criticizes the support
LAT: Carona's request to file secret motion violates 1st Amendment protection, media attorney says
SBSun: June Primary Election ballots on their way to voters
- SDUT: Goldsmith has sizable political résumé
- SDUT: Aguirre abuses his prosecutorial powers