Thursday, April 17, 2008
Jews and Blacks: Bradley Coalition Breakup
FRBlog: McClintock Easily Beats Ose in 4th CD Debate
- SacBee: Republicans Ose, McClintock attack each other in spirited debate
SacBee: Supreme Court backs death penalty, but outcome for California is unclear
- SFChron: High Court Upholds Use Of Lethal Injection
- CCTimes: U.S. Supreme Court ruling melts freeze on executions
- OakTrib: Ruling may revive state executions
- SJMerc: Justices' decision won't end debate over lethal injection in California
- SJMerc: Highlights of Wednesday's U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Baze vs. Rees
- ModBee: Court backs lethal injection
- LAT: Supreme Court OKs lethal injections
- LAT: Executions still on hold in Calif.
- LADN: Arnold says California will resume executions
- RivPE: High court permits lethal injection
- SDUT: High Court OKs lethal injection
- CCTimes: GOP 'farm team' formed
- SacBee: GOP group wants to groom winners for statewide races
- LAT: Republican group will groom a 'farm team' of potential California officeholders
- CapWkly: Health insurance companies mobilize to stop expanded coverage mandates
CapWkly: Nation's largest public pension fund eyed for private retirees, too
CapWkly: Pedal to the metal: fuel prices spiral upward
- SacBee: Should California require small businesses to offer sick days?
CapWkly: Poizner urges one regulator over managed health care industry
- CapWkly: Public-vs.-private information again focus in Capitol
CapWkly: Legislature eyes 11th-hour changes to High-Speed Rail bond
- SacBee: Report critical of Schwarzenegger's plan on Medi-Cal re-enrollment
CapWkly: Gov wants to rename Resources Agency
SacBee: Spat between unions seen as threat to election-year power
- RivPE: Campaigns say they're not using consultant MPR Strategies any longer
- CapWkly: California Tax Freedom Day: Earlier than you might think?
WashPost: McCain Pitches Tax Cuts at Meeting with CEOs
The Golden Pen
FRBlog: Pull your head out
SacBee: New prison chief knows where the problems are
SFChron: Justice ends the holiday
LAT: Nuñez was always trying and often triumphing
- SacBee: Sacramento mayor goes up against Kevin Johnson's star power
- SacBee: Remembering victims
CCTimes: Governor calls for deficit action aboard the U.S.S. Hornet
- OakTrib: Governor still shifting rhetoric on budget, taxes
OakTrib: Dellums honored for work against apartheid
- SJMerc: State suspends licenses of nine child care centers
FresBee: Water plan doesn't protect fish well, Fresno judge rules
- OakTrib: Judge strikes down Delta plan
- ModBee: DeMartini goes on offensive in case
- FresBee: Fresno doctor on state air board
- BakCal: Bakersfield farmer appointed to food and ag board
LAT: LAPD chief vows to clarify policy on immigrants
- LAT: Delegation lobbies for L.A. in D.C.
LAT: California subsidy for NFL stadium is blocked
- LAT: Orange County toll road foes apply pressure
- OCReg: Carona lawyers seek change of venue
LAT: 'John and Ken Show' has Carona seeking to move trial from Orange County
- SDUT: Councilmen reverse course on pay raise
- SDUT: Renovating the fairgrounds
- SDUT: Councilman emotional as he testifies during perjury trial