Friday, October 26, 2007
LAT: Fires still rage in parts of O.C., San Diego County
- SDUT: Fires down, not out
LAT: Arson tip reward is increased to $150,000
LAT: Bush tours areas ravaged by fire
WashPost: Giuliani's Policy Professor
SFChron: Fires provide no break from GOP fundraisers
SacBee: Clinton maintains big advantage in California
- SFChron: Clinton holds big lead over nearest Dem rivals in latest Field Poll
- SJMerc: Clinton's lead still strong in California
LAT: Nuñez pick for accountants' board raises questions
Politico: House subpoenaed in Doolittle probe
SacBee: State boosts its war on global warming
- SFChron: Air Resources Board moves to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- SacBee: Chiropractic board to cut staff in half
SFChron: State's tough new raw milk standards for upset consumers, farmers
SJMerc: Shriver says she's done with TV news
- OakTrib: State must cut Delta reliance, panel says
- SacBee: Wood-burning limits set
- SFChron: S.F. supervisors consider revisions in sweatshop legislation
- OakTrib: Colorful activist on recall mission
OakTrib: Affordable housing rules waiting on Mayor Dellums
OakTrib: Alameda delegates visit China to strengthen ties
- CCTimes: Cal State plan worries community colleges
SFChron: GOP, Silicon Valley oppose plan to overhaul alternative minimum tax
- FresBee: Running Horse sale is delayed
- FresBee: It'll be a daily task to spare air
The Golden Pen
Townhall: A Dangerous Precedent Abuilding in California
HumEvts: Playing the Blame Game
WSJ: Another man from Hope - Who is Mike Huckabee
NationalReview: Dump the Huck
NationalReview: The Un-Katrina
OCReg: California Focus: Big government goes after its foes
Politico: Perfect storm brews in California
CCTimesBlog: GOP vice chairman publishes new book
- LADN: LAUSD drops five of six Valley schools from reform list
- LAT: Bratton is sworn in for second term
- LAT: San Diego County officials decry state's bureaucracy
- RivPE: Fund reports show gains
- SDUT: Post-fire tasks for our local politicians