Thursday, October 18, 2007
Republicans to pick up 3 seats in the Assembly
SDUT: Wilkes' nephew discloses company's inner workings
- NCTimes: Prostitutes testify in trial of Duke's former associate
AP: GOP rep says Doolittle shouldn't seek re-election
- CapWkly: Faint hope remains for health-care deal
- SacBee: Unions protest health plan
- LAT: Tinseltown filling campaign coffers
- SacBee: Runoff to settle CalPERS seat
SacBee: Court may get contract dispute
- SacBee: Oops! Oversight eliminates four panels
- SJMerc: Legal advocates blast Schwarzenegger for vetoing three justice bills
- SacBee: New law seeks accountability on test scores
- SFChron: California could reap windfall from farm bill deal
- LAT: California tax scofflaws include O.J., Dionne Warwick
OakTrib: Experts: Gambling laws could have to be eased
- SJMerc: Ease lottery rules to boost value for lease, California told
- OCReg: Lawmakers discuss Lottery lease
OCReg: Governor commemorates new DUI law in Santa Ana
IVDB: O'Connell: Pupils failed by 'system'
- CapWkly: Patient Advocate releases report card on HMOs, medical groups
- CapWkly: Governor removes term limits from SoCal air-board chairman
- U.S. Rep. Jeff Flake's Earmark Minute
The Golden Pen
RCP: Keep the Internet Tax-Free
SacBee: More than luck to fix lottery ills
SacBee: Railyard project developer runs into a brick wall
FresBee: District leaders must stand up to FTA
LAT: Gov. ignores gun lobby, and condors get a lift
- SacBee: Lisa Heyamoto: Placer official sees betrayal within GOP
SFChron: Mayor Newsom moves to defeat Prop. E and bury 'question time'
- CCTimes: State hears list of cargo upgrades
- CCTimes: Cal State East Bay vying for expansion
- OakTrib: Law may not nip issue in butt
SJMerc: Mayor Reed: 'Everything on the table'
- FresBee: Autry talks of Running Horse transfer
VentStar: U.S. must change to stay dominant, Gingrich says
- VentStar: CSUCI swaps land for 153-acre parcel
- LADN: L.A. city workers will get to pocket every dollar they save taxpayers
LADN: Mayor revives drive for affordable housing
- LAT: L.A. mayor pushes affordable housing plan
SanGabTrib: Schiff stands firm
- OCReg: Disney theme park to expand
- LAT: California Adventure to get a new tap of Disney's wand
- LAT: California Adventure could use a little magic
- RivPE: Debate over Measure G focuses on hospital district's partner
- SDUT: Bersin weighs run for city attorney