Thursday, September 6, 2007
Prominent Past State GOP Chairman Oppose Perata/Nunez Term Limits End-Run
FRBlog: Real Kelo Therapy
FRBlog: GOP Legislators: ACA is a watershed vote -- Don't let the"Redevelopment Lobby" bully you into a vote that will define you for years to come...
FOXNews: Calfornia Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger Battles Conservatives Over Moderate State GOP Platform
- CapWkly: Term-limits drama engulfs Capitol's chattering class
- SFChron: Mistakes led to revised signature counts on term limits petitions
CapWkly: Gov uses blue pencil to push green-chemistry initiative
- SJMerc: Dems vow all-out fight on electoral-vote initiative
- LAT: Veto threat puts bill on port container fees on hold
- SJMerc: Schwarzenegger files appeal to save ban on sales to kids of violent games
- SacBee: Video game ruling appealed
- OakTrib: Schwarzenegger appeals ruling against video game law
- LAT: Gov. renews dam plan after ruling limits water shipments
- FresBee: Water plans back on tap
- StockRec: Delta canal, dams on table
- SacBee: Legislators craft flood policy pact
CapWkly: Bee keepers vs. orange growers in Ag dust-up
CCTimes: Lawmakers rush to complete session
- OCReg: Legislature OKs 167 bills on second day
- CapWkly: All-out blitz on fire-retardant bill
SFChron: Youngsters simmer over bill on tanning salons
- FresBee: State targets inmate rehab
SacBee: Ruling: Guards can't piggyback CHP pay hike
LAT: Democratic donor skips day in court
- SJMerc: Fundraiser Hsu a fugitive again after he fails to show up in court
- SFChron: Fugitive Dem fundraiser on the lam again
- LADN: Disgraced Dem donor Hsu forfeits $2 million bail, runs
SFChron: In run for presidency, Thompson tries to pull a Schwarzenegger
The Golden Pen
SacBee: UFW tries to end secret ballots in union elections
SFChron: The right way to reform the Electoral College
CapWkly: A Boxer vs. a muscleman in 2010?
CapWkly: Jobs on the line with passage of AB 8
- SDUT: Punt the stunt
SacBee: Politicians: An expert sales force
LAT: Michael Deaver's artistry was born at the piano
- SacBee: Cal Expo arena talks requested
SacBee: Aides testify before jury
- SacBee: A county idea: Curb immigrant health care
- SacBee: Less Delta water means dry times
- SFChron: Soup-kitchen nuns get runaround from 911 dispatchers
- CCTimes: Vacant council seat left to voters
- TheHill: Dems battle for Silicon Valley cash
TheHill: Romney benefits from ties to eBay president
- SJMerc: 49ers decision a year away
- SJMerc: Santa Clara Valley Water district, cities reveal public-employee salary data
- BakCal: Interim city manager faces charges
VentStar: County won't fight decision on boat center
- VentStar: Activists try to revive bill on LNG study
- LAT: Regional airport board stalled
- LAT: Court interpreters strike for 22% pay raise
- LADN: Workers pad their pay in serving kids
- LADN: Field-lab cleanup bill goes to Arnold
- SBSun: Probe spotlights politicos
- SBSun: Reaction to CCA indictment
- NCTimes: Muslim woman sues OC sheriff over head scarf removal
- LAT: O.C. registrar ordered to continue signature count
- OCReg: Angels dispute housing plans
- LAT: Huntington Beach may mandate neutering of dogs and cats
- OCReg: Los Al city manager loses her job
- SDUT: Indictment stands for financier, judge rules