Tuesday, June 26, 2007
The Facts About Ethanol
SJSU Survey - Support for Term Limits Weakening Measure is a House of Cards Ready to Fall
GOP House Delegation To Arnold - Redistricting Must Include House Seats
- SFChron: State GOP chief flayed over scandal
- SacBee: State GOP fills vacated position
- WashPost: Foreign Nationals Hired for Two Calif. GOP Posts
SFChron: GOP chief failed to follow the rules
CCTimes: Schwarzenegger criticized for visiting Europe
- OCReg: Schwarzenegger, French president discuss trade, global warming
Politico announces pivotal GOP debate
- SacBee: Effort to criminalize patient 'dumping' may be facing defeat
LADN: Pension initiative planned
- SacBee: Immigrant licenses off table
- LAT: State struggles to thwart inmates' cellphone use
SFChron: Legislators urge rethinking of Death Row rebuild
- SJMerc: Clinton, Giuliani fortify leads in California
OakTrib: Actor main threat to Giuliani, poll says
- WashPost: Court Eases Limits on Campaign Ads
- NYTimes: Supreme Court Loosens Ad Restrictions in Campaign Law
- LAT: At Supreme Court, two big GOP wins
The Golden Pen
Townhall: Is Arnold a Republican?
- NatlRev: Grand Amnesty
SacBee: New Democratic plan kicks off talks with governor
SacBee: Politicians afflicted by myopia
SacBee: Ex-Doolittle aide provides records in federal probe
- CCTimes: Lawmakers reveal lists of requests
- SJMerc: Orloff defends his procedures on promotions
FresBee: Trump withdraws offer for Running Horse
- FresBee: Autry quits mayors group over Iraq pullout vote
- FresBee: Valley's smog timeline knocked
- VentStar: Bennett launches campaign early
- LAT: Bennett launches reelection campaign
- LAT: Burke silent as panel debates hospital's fate
- LAT: Troubled transit firm retains its O.C. contract
- RivPE: Riverside County initiates victims' rights database
- SDUT: Aguirre says city has power to lower Sunroad tower
- SDUT: Sheriff embraces reviewers' appraisal