Thursday, April 12, 2007
SacBee: Governor chides automakers to clean up emissions
Thursday Thoughts
- SJMerc: Governor gives Washington a pep talk on going green
- FresBee: 'Green giant' flexes muscles in D.C.
- OCReg: Schwarzenegger pitches environment
- SDUT: 'Who are the fanatics now?' governor asks
- NewWest: Schwarzenegger's Big Day In DC
- SJMerc: Survey finds 81% worried about global warming
- SacBee: Warming is serious, say Californians
SacBee: LNG faces complex landscape
- SJMerc: Lawmaker: Regulate health costs
- LAT: Controls urged for medical insurers
- SacBee: Troubled insurer makes key hires
- CapWkly: Brownley's 'Mel Gibson' bill clears Public Safety
- SFChron: Senate panel passes cloned food labeling bill
- CCTimes: Legislators take up bills on tribal casinos
- SacBee: Board member still claims Ph.D.
- SFChron: New law proposed on problem liquor stores
- CapWkly: Kuehl bill aims to protect pets from domestic abusers
OCReg: O.C. to L.A. in 20 minutes
SFChron: Iran controversy intensifies GOP outrage at Pelosi
The Golden Pen
RCP: Fuzzy Climate Math
SacBee: Online debate is window into the political future
- VIDEO: Online Presidential Debate 1.1
SFChron: Pelosi's Syriana
SacBee: Our green governor's on a roll
LAT: In voting to end electoral college, Maryland dares to go where Schwarzenegger wouldn't
SacBee: Doolittle may back tax
SFChron: No law broken by city's payment to secretary in mayor's sex scandal
OakTrib: Shriver to speak in support of tax break
McNerney hosts transportation meeting
- FresBee: Autry's deputy has chance to go quietly
- FresBee: Jerry Brown vows to battle rural crime
- BakCal: Rubio - Wife's work at clinic not a conflict
- BakCal: Official off to positive start in committee
VentStar: Gallegly's animal fighting bill clears Senate, heads to president
- LAT: Ventura County Grand Jury assails lack of audits
- LADN: Special Order 40 challenged
- VentStar: Police sued over immigration policy
LAT: USC defends tough response to protest
- LAT: Council votes to hike fees condo developers must pay to evictees
OCReg: Trung Nguyen gets another chance in court
- LAT: Appeals court to decide which Nguyen wins
- OCReg: SCE to buy compact fluorescents for Irvine
- LAT: Official defies Disney with stance on housing
- NCTimes: Waxman wants answers on White House contract with MZM
- SDUT: Expert will review financial reporting
- NCTimes: Diocese attorneys threatened with contempt of court
- SDUT: Sanders details fix-up projects