Thursday, April 5, 2007
SacBee: Field Poll: Bush's ratings hit Nixon-era depths
- SFChron: Approval of Bush on war, economy skids to new lows
- SJMerc: Support for Bush by California Republicans his all-time lows
San Bernardino GOP Scores Major Coup -- Signs Mike Richman as their new E.D.
RivPE: Bush visits Ft. Irwin troops
- RivPE: Support at Inland base belies state poll on Bush
- AP: In trip to California Bush thanks troops, raises cash for Republicans
- IVDB: Bush honors Pitzer student for her efforts as volunteer
- IVDB: Bush thanks local troops
- CapWkly: Clock begins ticking on offshore LNG project
- VentStar: Foes of LNG project jam public hearing
SacBee: Group wants details of trip
- LAT: State leaders play, others pay
CapWkly: The nuclear option
SacBee: Prison czar coercive, medical firm says
- LAT: Prison healthcare provider sues
- CapWkly: Chiropractic Board saga intensifies
CapWkly: Delegates win complaint over elections
- CapWkly: 'JPA bill' back as Capitol eyes ties between tribes, government
- CapWkly: Personnel Profile: Jeff Bissiri
CNN: Giuliani Stands By Support Of Publicly-Funded Abortions
The Golden Pen
SacBee: Governor may be running out of economic luck
OCReg: Economic signals flashing yellow
- HeritageFndtn: Supreme Court's EPA Ruling
- HeritageFndtn: Cold Facts on Global Warming
- LAT: Universal healthcare's dirty secret
- CapWkly: Voters deserve a do-over on Proposition 63's 'millionaires tax'
WashPost: Holes in the Popular Vote Plan
SFChron: A journalist in his own mind
LAT: Mahony's comments on Nuñez cross the line
SJMerc: 49ers: Santa Clara stadium would give local economy $250 million annual boost
- SJMerc: 49ers stadium's benefits touted
- Stock: City losing money on arena catering
- StockRec: Shuttered women's prison may get new life
- FresBee: Fresno County layoffs possible
- BakCal: Director out, but with some perks
- LAT: L.A. budget to be cut by $100 million
- LADN: Mayor to pursue cutbacks, but no new tax increases
- LAT: L.A. hikes payouts to ousted renters
- LADN: Council hikes eviction help
- LAT: Charges fly in Inglewood elections
- LAT: New policies target gang suspects for deportation
- OCReg: Filling Janet Nguyen's city council vacancy