Tuesday, February 20, 2007
- Major Effort Underway To Bring Eminent Domain Reform Measure to 2008 Ballot
- LAT: Gov.'s plans stir up business rift
- Did They Really Think About This?
- SacBee: Mail voting gets election clerks' stamp of approval - others wary
- SacBee: Skepticism on prison plan
- LADN: Illegal immigration debate gets do-over
- OCReg: Victim of DUI sees hope in new bill
- OCReg: Ex-punker politico plays against type
- LAT: Power shifts in Scalia's favor on Supreme Court
- ModBee: Boxer planning ahead to 2010 election
- ModBee: Pombo's new home: Lobbying-PR firm
- HumEvts: GOP Can Retake House in '08Closely won Democrat seats sure to be hotly contested
- WSJ: Why John McCain
- LAT: McCain: Rumsfeld one of the worst defense secretaries ever
- SDUT: Hunter not 1st House member to seek presidency
- LAT: McCain plays up his right side
- SJMerc: Romney to air campaign ad in Michigan
- SFChron: Obama dazzles Dems in swing through Bay Area
- SJMerc: Obama, in S.F., decries Bush policies
- OakTrib: Obama swings through area
- SJMerc: Obama got start in civil rights practice
- NewWest: Coming To California
The Golden Pen
OCReg: The governor's health care plan falls short - SDUTBlog: Winning lawyer in Wal-Mart vs. Maryland case: Arnold's health plan violates federal law
- Townhall: Priceless politics
- OCReg: Private investment, public benefit
- Townhall: Happiness Is a Moral Obligation
- SacBee: Presidential candidates take notice
- SacBee: Campaign funds under scrutiny
- SacBee: Racetrack campaign brings out big gun
- SacBee: Web site chronicles Matsui's crusade
- SJMerc: Leaders to beg for rethinking of road funding
- SJMerc: San Jose faces tough budget choices
- FresBee: 65 set to graduate at UC Merced in May
- ModBee: Joseph Gallo, cheese maker, dies at age 87
- StockRec: Constituents get face time with McNerney
- FresBee: Program aids female inmates
- LADN: 600% raise for LAUSD board?
- LAT: Give him an A for ambition
- LAT: Mayor wants 405 project in fast lane
- OCReg: L.A. jockeying for more state transit dollars
- LAT: Mighty forces at work in flap over hotel workers' pay
- OCReg: Anaheim to study full-time vs. part-time mayor
- LAT: O.C. transit agency fines road builder for late freeway work
- SBSun: Coalition scores freeway victory
- NCTimes: Group demands accounting from San Diego Diocese
- LAT: Diocese's bankruptcy threat upsets abuse victims in San Diego
- SDUT: Coastal panel pick becoming political saga