Sunday, January 14, 2007
LAT: Gov. attuned to waning of party loyalty
- SacBee: Governor tries to get enemies into his tent
- CCTimes: Legislature to take long look at governor's vision for state
Bad Behavior and Blogging
- SJMerc: Governor stirs up national politics
- OakTrib: Governor cuts aid, proposes new jobs
- CCTimes: Semantics debate plagues governor's health care plan
- SacBee: State looks to tap U.S. till
- OCReg: Experts tout universal care
- CCTimes: Schwarzenegger proposes 'revolutionary' energy plan
- CCTimes: Budget oversight pledged
- SFChron: Governor sets pace for politics on the Net
SFChron: All 230,000 UC employees required to take ethics course
SJMerc: Wine thieves tap rich vein in Bay Area
- VentStar: Tax law holds up donated funds
- SacBee: Tax law freezes funds for firefighters' families
WashPost: House GOP Shows Fissures in the Minority
LAT: Businessman fined for campaign violation
The Golden Pen
OCReg: Pumped
Townhall: Random thoughts
LAT: A preview of Arnold's second act
- SacBee: Environmental solutions lie in growth
SacBee: California poverty increasing
SacBee: Governor's health care puzzle has risky pieces
FresBee: Surely there must be a way to speed up election results
- LAT: Let Arnold run ... '08
- LAT: - Arnold amendment roll call
SacBee: Doolittle still against wage hike for islands
- SFChron: Newsom's town hall isn't just for the birds
- AP: Porn company buys historic SF armory for $14.5 million
- OakTrib: Thousands gather to support Dellums
- SDUT: City takes stock of its real estate
- NCTimes: County illegal immigration study going nowhere