Monday, December 11, 2006
Building A Strong Republican Future For California
LADN: Perata won't yield Senate post easily to newcomer Padilla
- SacBee: Term limits remain huge lament at Capitol
RollCall: Gallegly Changes Mind, Will Seek Another Term*
HumEvnts: Richard Pombo - Greens Get Their No. 1 Target
SacBee: The buzz: Election's over - time to pass the hat
- SFChron: Police Dept. dusting dilemma
OCReg: A crowded field
- SacBee: California's Medi-Cal maven stepping down after 30 years
- FresBee: Predator law fuels financial concerns
- SDUT: Giving solar industry a spark
SFChron: Pelosi hews to middle ground
- SFChron: Protesters urge Pelosi to back impeachment
- Nancy Pelosi's Intelligence Problem
CCTimes: Democrats are eager to resume control of Congress, but being the majority also puts them in the cross hairs
SJMerc: Climate fight goes national
The Golden Pen
LAT: Giving California a voice in presidential contests
Townhall: No farewell to pork?
WSJ: Will the next speaker live up to her word and clean House?
SJMerc: In November election, city voted to its own drummer
- SJMerc: Lieber plans to challenge Kniss
- ModBee: Residents in a rush to leave California
- BakCal: Supervisors set to consider raising fee to protect habitat
- LAT: Santa Monica's new chief is called 'a cop's cop'
- IVDB: County probes welfare fraud
- SBSun: Tribe hopes to revive bill
OCReg: New attorney all but assures Jaramillo trial
- SDUT: Vigorous 'no' for Miramar airport
- SDUT: If Aguirre wins pension case, chaos could follow