Tuesday, November 7, 2006
The FlashReport 2006 General Election Ballot Measure Voting Guide
- California Republican Lawyers Association Announces Judicial Endorsements
SacBee: Final rallies pump up the faithful
- SFChron: Governor plans trip to Mexico
- SJMerc: Angelides barnstorms; governor stays above the fray
- CCTimes: Angelides, Schwarzenegger campaign down to the wire
- LAT: Recast, Schwarzenegger primes for a second act
OakTrib: Man says he made Arnold change ways
SacBee: Radio glitch rips Feinstein
BakCal: State official urges voters to go to polls
CCTimes: Pombo's struggle to keep seat a reflection of national trend
- CCTimesBlog: Rep. Duncan Hunter stumps for Pombo today
LAT: Pasadena campus savors role in Kerry flap
- WashTimes: Kerry gaffe loses independents for his party
SFChron: Pelosi Eyes The Prize
- SFChron: Some polls show GOP gaining ground
SacBee: Dirty politics or mailer goof?
SBSun: Preparing for proposition 83
SacBee: Field Poll: Pricey wooing gets cold shoulder
- SFChron: Your Turn, Voters
- OakTrib: Dems urge faithful to get out the vote
- OakTrib: College students register 42,000 voters
- SJMerc: How many will vote
- SJMerc: Effort to register Latinos after spring rallies lags
- SJMerc: Parties focus on direct voter contact
- FresBee: Valley readies for the big day
- SCSent: Decision day for voters
- SLOTrib: Absentee voters kick off Election Day rush
- VentStar: Time to make your mark
- LADN: Ballot security to be watched
- SBSun: Fontana Voters head to the polls around the I.E.
- SBSun: In this vote, it's the thought that counts
- RivPE: Forecast on turnout is gloomy
- OCReg: Election Day's arrival
- NCTimes: Parties ready to turn out voters; Latino voters look to make their mark
- SDUT: Light state voter turnout seen
OakTrib: Political spinning rife with bloggers
SJMerc: Cities get warning to save now
- SBSun: New perks please police
VentStar: State helps migrant education programs
The Golden Pen
SFChron: Endangered: True scientific debate
SacBee: Who votes will decide election
SacBee: Races to watch if the top contest is over early
SFChron: A's ready to move to Fremont
NewWest: Down To The Wire
OCReg: Why going negative pays off
WSJ: Following the Election Returns
LAT: Are they worth it?
OCReg: Tobacco, eminent domain, preferences and more
- SacBee: Challenge to habitat rejected
- SacBee: Traffic work to start early
- SacBee: Governor issues reward in killing
- SFChron: Leash Your Dog Or Pay $100
- OakTrib: Local elections carry weight
- OakTrib: Supes weigh solutions for homelessness
- SJMerc: No apology from mayor for taking fliers left out by opponent
- SJMerc: This patch of dirt may become
- SJMerc: Name game sure to follow A's move south
- SJMerc: Owners cheer flood relief
- CCTimes: A's owner, Fremont council to meet
- StockRec: Burning to help power S.J. homes
- StockRec: Union, S.J. County still working on temporary agreement
- ModBee: River-plan ruling halts $60M in Yosemite work
- ModBee: SJ census jobs are up for grabs
- ModBee: Council hears Oakdale road flap
- FresBee: Judge halts plans in park
- FresBee: Budget surplus adds Fresno fire staffing
- BakCal: Close to $500,000 in grants to aid Kern migrant education
- BakCal: Fairfax interchange TRIPs up projections
- BakCal: Praise showers pair of outgoing Kern High School District board members
- LAT: Federal judge halts 9 renovation projects in Yosemite Valley
- SCSent: City-UCSC deal would nullify ballot measures
- SCSent: County looks ahead for money to fix roads
- SCSent: Weaponry moved out of DeLaveaga armory, troops reassigned
- VentStar: Longer ban on marijuana dispensaries considered
- VentStar: Transportation chief to quit in year
- VentStar: County backs accepting Kaiser
- LAT: Supervisors approve new plan
- LAT: Race, politics and medical care
- LAT: 2 LAPD officers sue city over their transfer
- LAT: Diesel trucks target of port plan
- LAT: L.A. firefighter seeks ouster of union leader over contract deal
- LAT: 8 submit papers for L.A. school board race as filing opens
- LADN: L.A.'s measures
- LADN: Cut spending, mayor asks key bureaucrats
- OCReg: Push for La Pata extension is on
- NCTimes: Last minute attack ads plague 50th
- NCTimes: Judge tosses paper-ballot lawsuit calling for 1.3 million paper ballots
- NCTimes: Locks demanded for vote machines; critics say 'sleepovers,' though legal and common, are an unnecessary risk
- NCTimes: Busby and Bilbray face off again
- SDUT: McGrory on stand all day