Wednesday, November 1, 2006
FRBlog: Elevating Ackerman to Hero Status
SacBee: Campaign 2006: Governor's lead grows
- Field Poll Results
FRBlog: Computing The Schwarzenegger Coattail Index: A Guide to the Downticket Races
VentStar: Big bucks enliven controller race
SacBee: Campaign 2006: Governor opposes Prop. 90
LAT: State audit of Reiner panel finds flaws
- SacBee: Reiner-run group kept it legal but had 'issues,' auditor says
- SacBee: Tribal casinos bet against politicians who backed unions
NCTimes: California secretary of state unveils new election checks
- SDUT: Vote fraud fears fewer, yet some back voter IDs
Long Beach PT: Rural areas wary of sex offender measure
OakTrib: Where are state's absentee ballots?
WashPost: Pelosi's Unintelligent Choice
NatlRev: Precedents and Preferences
The FlashReport 2006 General Election Ballot Measure Voting Guide
- California Republican Lawyers Association Announces Judicial Endorsements
NWN: Down The Ballot
SacBee: Angelides residing in purgatory
SacBee: Arnold in 2007: Will he be more than just an act?
- SFChron: S.J. mayoral foes trade barbs
- SacBee: Campaign 2006: Probe of PG&E tactics is urged
Davis Enterprise: County race presents stark choice
- SacBee: Both sides squeeze Brown on war
SJMerc: GOP rushing to aid lawmakers in California
- CCTimes: Intense race too close for comfort
ModBee: Cogdill all but enters Senate
LADN: Mayor's control comes at a price
- LADN: County Latinos charging bias in redistricting
- LAT: Affordable housing bond asks voters for their vision of L.A.
- PSN: Arcadia campaign hits home stretch
- PSN: Alhambra council election will bring winds of change
- LAT: Demotion is urged for O.C. sheriff's aide
- OCReg: Mediator sought in CUSD talks
- Daily Pilot: Anybody's guess in wild District 4
- OCReg: Santa Ana's Council to play musical seats
SDUT: Party politics enter school board race
LAT: Racy words and a desert slugfest
- NCTimes: San Marcos mayoral candidates come from opposing philosophies
- NCTimes: Tri-City board candidates discuss union contract