Monday, August 28, 2006
HumEvnts: Gizzi on Politics: How Goes California GOP?
- CCTimes: Technologies transform campaigns
- Angelides And Schwarzenegger Struggling For Position
- SacBee: The buzz: Prop. 87 team sets sites on foes' domains
RivPE: Political Notebook
- OCReg: Term limits fail to retire politicians
- SFChron: Big business lobbies hard for video licensing bill
- NYTimes: This Is Only a Drill: In California, Testing Technology in a Disaster Response
- SJMerc: Diversity sought among judges as 50 slots to open
- CCTimes: Advocates want minorities to fill new judgeships
- FresBee: Bill makes nonprofit gaming a safer bet
NYTimes: California Seeks to Clear Hemp of a Bad Name
- Jim Gilmore Flirts With Run for President
The Golden Pen
Nat'lRev: Medi-Cal Hammer Won't Swing - WSJ: An attempt to circumvent the Electoral College is really an urban power grab
SacBee: Helmke has borne witness to the state's chronic fiscal dilemma
SFChron: Flood-protection bills first shelved, then revived / Perata denies being swayed by builders group's $500,000 donation
LAT: Pitching Public Works Bonds Now a Team Sport
SacBee: Campaign 2006: Matsui opponent heads for schooling
NYTimes: Congressman Wants Aid to Lebanon Frozen
- CCTimes: Governor moves toward center
- CCTimes: Cities to face wealth of initiatives in November
- SJMerc: Garbage nightmare of the past haunts S.J.
- LADN: Mayor's Capitol power working
LADN: City attorney's moves aren't making anyone happy
- LAT: School Takeover Plan Opposed by Dymally
- SBSun: 2 sides all set for sales-tax debate
SDUT: Hunter's got a full plate
SDUT: Busby rips Bilbray on war stance
- SDUT: Donors to governor get posts of prestige
- SDUT: Faulconer turns to alcohol debate