Wednesday, August 9, 2006
- Club for Growth Blog
- RMSP: Club for Growth Undermines GOP Majority
- RedState: Snide, Whining LIberals of the GOP
- CongQuarterly: Walberg Win Makes Michigan Rep. Schwarz First GOP Primary Loser
- NYTimes: Michigan Republican Loses Party's Nomination
- WashPost: Across the Nation: House Incumbents McKinney, Schwarz Fall in Primaries
- NewWest: The Guards And The Governor
FRBlog: Child Molestor Raises $$ for Garamendi: Put that in your pipe and smoke it
- SFChron: Well, it sounded like a good idea
LADN: Lieutenant-governor hopeful nixes Gibson campaign mailer
SacBee: Campaign 2006: Pumped early for initiative
OCReg: Legislature: The grand finale
- SJMerc: Redistricting reform stalled in Legislature
- CCTimes: Deadline looms to redraw districts
- SFChron: It's open season on lobbyists' donations
IVDB: Border police initiative falls flat
RivPE: Christian school wins round Christian school wins round
- LAT: UC Loses Bid to Stop Christian School Suit
- SFChron: House fortunes darken for GOP
The Golden Pen
Townhall: The minimum wage vision
SacBee: Eminent domain sense
SacBee: New gambling pact underscores tribal monopoly of huge industry
- SacBee: Tribe, state sign big deal
- LADN: Union leaders denounce governor's deal with tribe
- SacBee: New Schwarzenegger act: It's working big-time
SFChron: Time to put climate change on the national agenda
- SFChron: Sandoval backs off putting Olympics proposal on ballot
- SJMerc: Call to expand Hetch Hetchy sparks howls of protest
- SJMerc: Step closer to removal power
- SJMerc: S.J. council rejects moonlighting ban
- StockRec: He's got fame
- FresBee: Decision targets CSU projects
- BakCal: Talk show host broadcasts from Israel next week
- BakCal: Election notebook
- LAT: L.A. Councilmen Seek to Freeze Condo Conversions in Their Districts
LADN: Mayor gets school ovation
- LAT: Teachers Unions, Small Cities in L.A. School District Meet Over Assembly Bill
- LADN: Mayor's opponents say amendments hurt bill
- LAT: Audit Questions DWP's Handling of Contracts
- LAT: DWP's Security Officers Press L.A. Mayor for Raises
- LADN: Garcettis take heat over plan
OCReg: 'Superwuss' comes to his lady's rescue
- OCReg: Measure M effort well-funded
- LAT: O.C. Faces Tough Pension Debt Choices
- LAT: Placentia to Lose Millions More to Failed OnTrac
FRBlog: Response to Jon's Commentary Re: County 'Subsidizing' California Speedway
- IVDB: Supervisors race to approve Speedway spending
- SBSun: Council puts tax on ballot
- NCTimes: Report: Mismanagement, government failures led to S.D. fiscal crisis
- LAT: Report Compares San Diego Pension Fund Scandal to Enron
- SDUT: City approves stadium ordinances
- SDUT: Candidates start slow in their bids for funding
- SDUT: 'Reckless and wrongful'
- SDUT: Report's effect on criminal cases likely to be small
- SDUT: City must answer the biggest question: Where to find money?
- SDUT: City finances chronology
- SDUT: Findings of the Kroll report
- SDUT: Recommendations
- SDUT: Key players
- SDUT: About Kroll
- SDUT: Ruling OK'ing ex-pension officials' trial reaffirmed