Thursday, July 6, 2006
NewWest: Schwarzenegger Ramps Up TV Advertising As He Takes Significant Lead In New Public Poll
- SJBizJournal: Small business backs Schwarzenegger
CapWkly: Labor splits in secretary of state race
CapWkly: Decent pay still makes up for Capitol stress, politics
- CapWkly: Personnel Profile: Helen Jenkins
- SacBee: Terror talk on southern border
- LADN: House on road about border
DlyPilot: The immigration imperative
OCReg: Criticism at Royce hearing
- SBSun: Protesters greet House panel
- NCTimes: Immigration hearing draws cheers and jeers
- WashPost: Splits Over Immigration From Coast to Coast
- SDUT: Barnstorming on immigration
SacBee: Report blasts prison health system
- SFChron: Stern warning on health care in state prisons
- SJMerc: California inmate health care disgraceful, U.S. overseer finds
- LAT: Inmate Care Is a Mess, Official Says
CapWkly: Schwarzenegger makes the cut
CapWkly: Anti-illegal-immigration ad targets speaker
- SacBee: Minimum-wage plan advances
- SacBee: New rule prompts Medi-Cal concern
- CapWkly: Overlapping authority, murky chain-of-command compound state's homeland-security dilemma
- SacBee: Wildlife funding faces cuts
SJMerc: Fixes in store for state parks
SacBee: McPeak sets her departure
RivPE: Cunningham cohort is cited again
- NCTimes: Cunningham adjusting to life at North Carolina prison
The Golden Pen
DlyBreeze: California still isn't getting fair share of federal pie
- BakCal: Governor reaches a bit too far across the aisle
SacBee: Governor has a mixed record on prison reform
LAT: Schwarzenegger Is Running on Comeback Trail, but Bush Could Still Trip Him Up
SFChron: 2 health proposals for uninsured 'fit together'
- SJMerc: San Carlos trims fat in city government
- StockRec: Forum planned on immigration rights
FresBee: Governor hails aid for kids
- LAT: 2 Primary Races Are Finally Decided
- LAT: Council Studies Election Financing
- LADN: 'Clean money' hits council's nerve
- LADN: UTLA cash raises questions about endorsements
- LADN: Hearing room named in Roybal's honor
RivPE: City Council drops lobbying firm
- SBSun: Group seeks to recall Hansberger
- RivPE: Ballots tell tale of local election
- RollCall: Approps Seat Remains Open for Remainder of 109th*
SDUT: Sanders hopes to restart needle program
- NCTimes: Political action committee forms to fight Miramar airport
- SDUT: Janney to run for Imperial Beach mayor
- SDUT: How Wendell Cutting made a difference
SDUT: Calderón takes lead in official vote count
WashTimes: McCain sitting pretty for 2008 race