Thursday, May 18, 2006
CapWkly: Westly hopes links to Gov., caution on taxes will woo voters
- SJMerc: Ads from Demo hopefuls expected to turn nastier
- SJMerc: Asian vote a hot commodity for Democrats
- CCTimes: Candidates launch into negative ad war
- LAT: Westly Stumbles in the Mud
LAT: Brown Touts His Record as Mayor in Race for New Post
FresBee: Two for controller
CapWkly: Legislative Races
The Hill: Former staff accuse Baca of 'forced volunteering'
10News: Where Brian Bilbray Really Lives
- NCTimes: Dems attack Bilbray over residency
- The Hill: Bilbray's ad more memorable than Busby's
SFChron: House ethics panel begins 2 inquiries
- WashPost: Ethics Panel Starts 3 Investigations
SFChron: Tunnel Of Rubbernecking
SacBee: S&P raises state's credit rating
- LAT: State's Credit Rating Gets 1st Boost in 2 Years
- OCReg: S&P upgrades California's bond rating
SacBee: Senators OK fence on border
- SacBee: Perata rips Bush's border Guard plan
- SJMerc: Governor wary of deploying Guard at Mexican border
- LAT: State Officials Chafe at Bush's Plan for Guard
- WashTimes: Senate approves 370-mile fence on south border
SacBee: UC president under fire over executive salaries
- SFChron: Temperature Up In UC Boss' Seat
- OakTrib: UC president faces critics, takes blame
- LAT: UC President Battles to Keep His Job
- RivPE:UC leader's fate announced today
- OCReg: Regents study fate of UC head
- SDUT: Dynes blames ignorance for UC pay scandal
SacBee: Contract deal for firefighters
- CapWkly: The kings and queens of the California political quotation
- CapWkly: Party foul: Voters still losing interest
CapWkly: California misses the school bus
- CapWkly: The rise of the IE
LAT: Billionaire's Divorce Deemed No State Secret
The Golden Pen
Townhall: Alumni, use checkbooks wisely
CapWkly: Westly and Angelides: no comment
SacBee: Núñez: 'Shame on us' if budget not done on time
LAT: The Price of Border Security Might Just Be the National Guard
Townhall: Bush's troubles -- not Iraq, Katrina, or illegal aliens, but fuzzy principles
- SacBee: Victory for open courts
- FresBee: Budget windfall
- LAT: A tale of two mayors
SacBee: Democrats think Doolittle vulnerable in November
- SacBee: Safety of state data questioned
- SFChron: SamTrans a shrinking partner in cash-draining BART Peninsula line
- SFChron: Amnesty touches home for Bay Area Asians
- SFChron: S.F. Makes HIV Testing Easier
- SJMerc: Latino voting boost sought
- SJMerc: Chavez backers file complaint
- SJMerc: Ballpark cost surges with PG&E estimate
- SJMerc: Students march against high school exit exams
OakTrib: Gore cancels UC visit, citing picketing threat
- OakTrib: New president gives Cal State 'Mo'-mentum
- OakTrib: City hopes to cash in on Jet Blue fuel
- OakTrib: Berkeley mayor named to air board
- OakTrib: Oaklanders to soon get their fill of natural gas
CCTimes: Pombo may be up against toughest re-election bid
- StockRec: Galgiani, with plenty of endorsements, favored
- StockRec: Four's a crowd in primary
- ModBee: Assembly campaign smear could be one for the ages
- ModBee: Campaign contributions curtailed
- ModBee: Talking Points: 17th Assembly District
- ModBee: Fast, furious, but no flood
- FresBee: Experts fret over 2010 Valley smog deadline
- BakCal: Ex-CHP officer, felon face off in GOP primary
AP: Villaraigosa's first year yields a mixed bag of results
- LADN: Votes hit mayor on takeover
- LADN: MTA tap-dancing on issue of fares, Yaroslavsky says
IVDB: Local groups pay lobbying visit to Rep. Dreier's office
- IVDB: Board of supervisors endorses Wagner 4-0
- SBSun: Immigration Frustration
- RivPE:He's not the activist you're looking for
- OCReg: Group hears Great Park designer's vision
- NCTimes: Bill would make bases off-limits to new airport
- NCTimes: Horn proposes jail screening for illegal immigrants
- NCTimes: Activist calls on supervisors to impose term limits
- NCTimes: San Diego County to invest in local banks
- SDUT: Minutemen increase political activities
- SDUT: Candidates for 4th District practically on the same page
- SDUT: 2 Republicans seek 'safe Democratic' seat
- SDUT: Aguirre, ex-officials' lawyers argue pension issues in court
- SDUT: Council is given a budget cushion
- SDUT: Airport plan at Miramar isn't flying with neighbors