Thursday, April 27, 2006
SacBee: George F. Will: Political stew in San Diego
TheHill: Internal DCCC list pins hopes on 22 challengers
- CapWkly: Capitol Hyatt still off limits for Democrats
- SacBee: Ad Watch: Westly pledges he'll run a green-friendly government
- SacBee: Ad Watch: Angelides touts his support from police and firefighters
- CapWkly: Angelides outlines budget plans, blasts Westly
- SJMerc: Californians increasingly worried about the state's schools, poll says
- CCTimes: Schools stink, Californians say
- OakTrib: Voters not too happy with state's schools
SFChron: California coffers fill with $1.5 billion in extra income tax
CapWkly: Democrats have big plans for Lt. Gov's office
- SacBee: Divorce privacy bill advances
- CCTimes: Assembly to tackle judicial editing in divorces
- SFChron: State's political watchdog has far fewer teeth
- CapWkly: Surf-turf war hits high tide in Capitol
- SFChron: High cost for health insurance
CCTimes: Law to shame DUI offenders
LAT: Public Memorial Service for Former LAPD Chief Ed Davis Is Scheduled
The Golden Pen
CapWkly: Democrats' irony: A party now controlled by millionaires
SacBee: Voters give thumbs down to schools, governor
LAT: Don't Let the Governor's Race Become a Game for the Rich
PolVan: Winning in Difficult Districts
- BakCal: Cable issue sure to tangle up Legislature
- SJMerc: Budget summit creates a stir for S.J. mayoral candidate
- FresBee: Schools, water on Autry agenda
- LAT: City Leaders Ask That Students Skip Boycott
- LAT: Voters May Target Illegal Status
- LADN: VP warned he'd reveal overbilling
- RivPE: Baca pushes to clarify video-game ratings
- SBSun: Jails checking on citizenship
- LAT: Mission Viejo Sued Over Housing Plans
- OCReg: Mission Viejo faces housing suit
- LAT: Irvine Votes to Run O.C.'s Great Park
- OCReg: Vote: City controls Great Park funds
- LAT: UCI: Gift, Hiring Not Linked
SDUT: Las Vegas makes pass at Chargers
- LAT: Computers, Papers Seized in Pension Probe
- SDUT: Political heritage precedes hopefuls for 74th