Tuesday, February 28, 2006
McCarthy surveys his members - Walters takes aggressive posture in desire to succeed him.
FRBlog: Tran Drops Senate Run, Will Seek Reelection For Now...
- SacBee: Democrats start their engines
- SFChron: - Dems fire up gubernatorial primary
- VentStar: Angelides, Westly start TV onslaught
- LADN: Gubernatorial rivals roll out ads
New Angelides Ad
New Westly Ad - Click here.
- LAT: Character Is Key in Governor Campaign
LAT: Arguments Begin in Lawsuits Over State Stem Cell Institute
- SacBee: Governor stumps for levee help
- SFChron: Homeland Security secretary to tour levees in the delta
- CCTimes: Governor tours Washington seeking federal aid to fix levees
- OCReg: Chertoff commits to touring levees
- SDUT: Governor urges state levee work
- LAT: Anaheim to Bid for '08 Political Conventions
- SFChron: UC failed to give regents required reports
- SJMerc: With reformer gone, where do prisons go from here?
- OakTrib: Stem cell agency 'is not responsive to the people'
SDUT: Prison guards lock up bundle in OT pay
- CCTimes: $20 million Indian casino bill passes Assembly
- LADN: Labor planning to spend $40 million on elections
The Golden Pen
WSJ: Hollywood liberals drive productive Californians to leave the state
Townhall: Something for nothing
SacBee: Governor's claims on budget are undermined by his own data
SacBee: Governor stays in the center in search for a win
SFChron: Bush gets low marks in state
- CCTimes: Californians give Bush low approval rating
- RivPE:Survey holds no joy for Bush
- NCTimes: Eighteen qualify for 50th District special election
- SDUT: 18 meet deadline to enter race for 50th District seat in House
- OakTrib: Lawmakers trot globe on others' dimes
- SFChron: City struggles to find more police officers
- CCTimes: Policy threatens to eclipse science on Delta, Miller says
- SJMerc: Sales tax debate set tonight
- BakCal: School board to consider bond for new facilities
- SBSun: Corrupt past spurs county ethics reform
- LAT: County Weighs Limits on Lobbying
- LADN: Cost of LAPD headquarters taking a $37 million jump
- FRBlog: OC Register Political Reporters Join Blogosphere
- NCTimes: DA Dumanis seeks second term
- SDUT: Dumanis says she will seek 2nd term as district attorney