Wednesday, February 22, 2006
RivPE: Speaker proposes about $35 billion in infrastructure bonds
CCTimes: Nunez counters governor's bond plan
Fleischman's Commentary
TheHill: Hollywood celebrities pitch in to defeat Rep. DeLay
- StockRec: $3 per month water fee finds few friends
- CapWkly: GOP attorney files initiative to boost minimum wage, cut overtime
- NYTimes: Questions Over Method Lead to Delay of Execution
- SFChron: State Postpones Morales Execution
- OakTrib: Morales execution called off because of lethal injection questions
- VentStar: Execution is delayed again
- LAT: State Halts Execution to Review Procedure
- LADN: Judge's order spares killer
- OCReg: Morales execution on hold indefinitely
- SDUT: Execution postponed over ethics
- AP: Morales execution postponed indefinitely
- StockRec: Legislation aims to keep doctors out of execution chamber
LAT: Feinstein Seeks to Criminalize Border Tunnels
- SJMerc: Senator seeks to make border tunnels illegal
- IVDB: Feinstein tackles border tunnels
- SFChron: No benefit found in English-only instruction
- OakTrib: Bilingual battle ends in a draw
- CCTimes: Prop. 227 review produces mixed results
- SDUT: Evaluating English learning
- OakTrib: Cal chief perk revealed amid backdrop of hearing
SDUT: Senator's aid sought in security fund quest
- WashPost: N.Y. Gov. Undergoes Second Surgery in NYC
The Golden Pen
SacBee: Editorial: A trip worth taking
SacBee: Financing bonds could be sticking point on infrastructure accord
- SacBee: The California air: Zephyrs of political reform
- SacBee: S.F. gun ban finds support is scarce
SFChron: Mayor hits road for health funds
- OakTrib: The game of musical chairs hits in Capitol
- CCTimes: East Bay winemakers argue Zinfandel's merits
- SJMerc: Ballpark effects: noise, lights
- FresBee: Fresno wants mailers halted
BakCal: GOP members talk of Lincoln, U.S. ports deal
- BakCal: Costa to announce run for second term
- VentStar: Political sign thefts stir ire in Moorpark
- LAT: Ludlow Resigns Labor Post, Says He Will Aid Prosecutors
- LADN: Labor chief steps down
- LAT: Union Funds Angle Doomed Ludlow's Post
- LAT: Romer Presents Own Plan to Help Troubled South L.A. School
- LADN: Board votes to end state jail contract
- LAT: Judge Rebuked for Doing Business From the Bench
- DlyPilot: Assembly campaigns get rolling
- LAT: Minuteman Project Sets Sights on a New Parade
FRBlog: State Senate Democrats Anti-241 Letter to the Governor: Ignorance Loves Company
- SDUT: Governor urged to oppose toll road
- SBSun: Voters to decide on council's raise
- IVDB: Signatures back sex-crime law
- RivPE: 713,000 say it's time to get tough on sex crimes
- NCTimes: Local lawmakers score low on environmental report card
- NCTimes: Thousands sign sex-offender initiative