Friday, February 17, 2006
CCTimes: Parties disagree on priorities for governor's public works plan
StockRec: Governor pitches benefits of water storage plan
- CCTimes: Rivalry a byproduct of district changes
- SacBee: Ruling settles ballot dispute
SacBee: Twin reports refuel political angst over workers' compensation
- SFChron: Governor to push global warming fight
LAT: Angelides Offers Plan to Require Fuel-Efficient Cars
- SacBee: Angelides' clean dream
- SacBee: Special program money targeted
- OakTrib: Lawmakers turn focus on college 'crisis'
- SJMerc: Legislation focuses on getting students to college
- LAT: Bid to Bar Execution Uses Starr Power
- SacBee: Defense tries to clear air on clemency plea
- SacBee: Judge OKs doctors to monitor execution
- VentStar: State's Democratic lawmakers back drilling ban
SFChron: Feinstein, Boxer: Make drilling ban permanent
- LAT: Charter School Chain Sues to Prevent State Cuts
- SFChron: High school, low expectations
FRBlog: Yuba Supervisor Draws a Tough Challenge
- VentStar: School bonds may be on 2 local ballots
- LAT: L.A. County Labor Chief May Quit in Funds Probe
LADN: Richman proposes LAUSD breakup
- LADN: LAUSD's runaway benefits costs
LAT: Mayor Endorses Huizar's Ex-Aide
- LAT: More Questions Arise Over Ex-Councilman's Doings
- LADN: Riordan hits federal response
- IVDB: Supervisor Gary Ovitt to run for second term
- RivPE: Senators question Riverside magistrate
FRBlog: Early Debate in 59th AD; Local GOP Endorses County Officials
- OCReg: Chamber hears case for policing immigrants
NCTimes: SD Mayor - City will not host 2008 convention
- NCTimes: Councilwoman steps down from county race
- SDUT: Pension case defense lawyer targeted
- NCTimes: San Diego Maintains Bond Rating in Latest Evaluation
- SDUT: San Diego gets a little credit
- SDUT: S.D. water-quality board goes from 'worst to best'