Wednesday, January 11, 2006
SacBee: Schwarzenegger's budget proposal: Spending on the rise
- SacBee: Analysis: Governor steers to the middle
- SacBee: No raises for state's rank and file included
- SacBee: State high court declines to block execution
- SFChron: Tax Revenue Boosts Governor's Budget
- OakTrib: Budget pitch puts faith in a growing economy
- CCTimes: Budget may dig deeper deficit
- SJMerc: Governor's budget a boon for schools, roads
- SJMerc: Governor promises school funding boost
- StockRec: Budget outline to aid region
- VentStar: Windfall will help balance spending
- LADN: Arnold plans no new taxes
- IVDB: Budget could bring more judges to I.E.
- IVDB: State budget features 7% jump in spending
- SBSun: Educators upbeat on budget proposal
- RivPE: Revenue boost spurs plan
- NCTimes: Transit budget proposal sparks mixed reaction
- NCTimes: Local educators to governor: Show us the money
- LAT: Gov.'s Budget Cuts Welfare, Boosts Schools
- OCReg: $7 billion challenge
- SDUT: State budget increases spending; no new taxes
- SFChron: Governor prepared to see lots of changes in his bond plan
- LAT: Gov. to Ditch Bike for Now
- LAT: Gov., Need a Sidekick for That Sidecar?
- LADN: Is Arnold in for more than just a fat lip?
- SacBee: Governor 'never thought' to get license
- LAT: Panel Calls for Moratorium on Executions
- SacBee: Sex-offender bill is rejected
SDUT: Cunningham lawyers blast secret taping report
- LAT: Unlikely Allies Back Three-Strikes Change
- OakTrib: UC VP rebuked for favoritism in hiring but returns to work
The Golden Pen
AmerSpec: Why do Barbara Boxer and her friends have it in for oil companies?
- SacBee: Schwarzenegger may have given up on balancing state's budget
- SJMerc: License proposal re-introduced
ModBee: Pombo focusing on energy policy
VentStar: Gallegly staff checking for contributions from Abramoff
- CCTimes: Officials want all-mail election
- San Jose mayor's power diluted
- SacBee: Mayor in for more rebukes
- FresBee: 141 Valley homes cited for illegal fireplace burning
- LAT: Supervisors Finalize Stricter Regulation of Gay Bathhouses
- LAT: 405 Carpool Lane Bill Speeds Toward Approval
- LAT: Union Ads Say Mayor Is Crying Wolf
- IVDB: Torres elected mayor of Pomona
- LAT: Suit Alleges Race Bias by O.C. Assessor
- LAT: Investigation Report Is Private, Board Says
- IVDB: Supes keep report secret
- LAT: Board Approves Voting Machine Replacements
- LAT: Murrieta Official Accused of Extortion in Divorce
- RivPE: Inland official accused of forgery
- SDUT: Faulconer holds narrow lead
- SDUT: Inzunza quits Assembly campaign
SDUT: Sanders to emphasize getting S.D. on track
- SDUT: Pension case legal bills being kept under wraps
- NCTimes: Supervisors hand DA, Sheriff, Treasurer-tax collector big raises