Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Fleischman's Commentary
LAT: Rohrabacher Defends Abramoff, a Friend
RivPE: Group urges probe of Lewis' ties to lobbyist
SBSun: Dreier tabbed to write bill to reform lobbying
OakTrib: Lawmaker defends his hampering of probe
- RivPE: Political scandal is a windfall for charities
- IVDB: Rep. Miller's business dealings under fire
LAT: Schwarzenegger's Budget Would Trigger Billions in New Spending
- SJMerc: How will governor fund his spending?
- SJMerc: Analysts question state budget plan
SJMerc: Treasurer faults governor on bonds
- SacBee: Governor has plan for kids
- SDUT: Governor proposing $72 million to go for children's health care
NCTimes: Attorneys: Duke never wore wire
- LAT: Cunningham's Lawyer Denies Taping of Officials
FRBlog: The Whip's Race
- Daily Press: Hartz to run for to run for Assembly
The Golden Pen
SacBee: Schwarzenegger's credibility at risk as he repositions his image -
LAT: Schwarzenegger's plan depends on filling in the holes
SacBee: Cutting student fees doesn't really help the poor
CCTimes: Governor: I'll be back (on a motorcycle)
- SacBee: Governor rides without a license
- BakCal: Competing sex offender measures eyed
- SacBee: Rival proposals target sex offenders
- SBSun: Soto still striving to derail exit exam
- SacBee: Hearing put off on exit exam
- LAT: Decisions of Long Ago Shape the Union Today
- OCReg: Governor unfazed after Harley crash
- LADN: Governor to roll out his budget
- LADN: 405 lane up to Arnold
- IVDB: Pomona voters to elect their new mayor today
- LAT: OCTA Fears Gov.'s Plan Is Competition
Daily Press: Friends, experts say assessor could be smart move for Postmus
- SDUT: Decision day is here in 2 council districts
- NCTimes: Fund-raising for Faulconer exceeds that of Gonzalez
- SDUT: Measure covers tab to replace Cunningham
- SDUT: Officials back Jessica's Law for sex offenders
- SDUT: Pension board ex-president denies benefits, underfunding linked
- SDUT: SEC won't rush review of city's finances
SDUT: Chargers sack their ballot plan