Saturday, January 7, 2006
LAT: Governor Needs Widespread Support for Blockbuster Plan
- SacBee: Governor begins push for growth proposal
- SacBee: Bullet train left at station in governor's strategic plan
- SacBee: Governor's aides unfold map for highway overhaul
- SFChron: Now for the hard part -- governor tries to sell plan
- SFChron: Mixed reviews for bond plan
- SFChron: Governor's plan omits housing and transit
- SFChron: Mixed reviews for bond plan
- CCTimes: Few oppose fixing California's infrastructure
- SJ Merc: Democrats, governor agree on state infrastructure needs
- OakTrib: Arnold talks up flood plan
- ModBee: Governor wants $222.6B for growth
- LAT: Gov.'s Growth, Clean Air Plans Said to Clash
- LADN: Massive ignoring of transit
- VentStar: Details revealed of governor's massive California spending plan
- OCReg: A $222.6 billion plan
- SBSun: Governor's pledge could aid SB schools
- RivPE: Proposal hints at traffic relief
- RivPE: Library bond to have ballot competition
SacBee: No alternative to failed exit exam
- NCTimes: State Education boss: No breaks on exit exam
- SJMerc: Schools chief firm: Exit exam required
LAT: GOP Group Petitions to Block DeLay's Return
- Chertoff launches California crackdown on immigrant smugglers
The Golden Pen
BakCal: Geez, Arnold, way to woo constituents - SFChron: Pay debate rages
TimeMag: Disgraced Congressman "wore a wire"
- NCTimes: Report says Cunningham wore wire
- WashTimes: Why Condi's star is rising
- SFChron: Former Gov. Staffer Confirmed to Bench
- LADN: 'Three strikes and it depends' initiatives filed
- OakTrib: Registrar keen on idea of all-mail voting for county
- NYTimes: Five Officials in San Diego Are Indicted Over Pensions
- SBSun: Official calls for release full report
- LAT: L.A. Unified to Let Chick See Audits
- Jessica's Law allies take effort to school
SBSun: Bogh is on a quest, pushing petition for Jessica's Law
- OCReg: Nine more lawsuits target UCI over transplants
- SDUT: Talk has it, Inzunza won't run
- SDUT: Feds indict 5 in pension case
- LAT: 5 Indicted Over San Diego Pension Scheme
- SDUT: Faulconer, Gonzalez spar over finance fixes