Thursday, December 22, 2005
- SacBee: Group: Let tax pay for bond
- OakTrib: Sales tax proposed for billions to rebuild
- StockRec: Group wants sales tax hike to fund bond
- VentStar: Builders pushing bond package
- SacBee: Yet more political finance initiatives?
ModBee: McCloskey targets today's GOP values
- CCTimes: Calpine files for bankruptcy
- NCTimes: Calpine's descent into bankruptcy began in its brightest times
- LAT: UC Retains Contract for Los Alamos
- SacBee: UC gets fresh chance to run Los Alamos lab
- NYTimes: California Is Surprise Winner in Bid to Run Los Alamos
- LAT: UC Official Acted Improperly, Probe Finds
- CCTimes: Hiring by UC official deemed a violation
- OakTrib: Ex-provost censured for hiring friend
- LAT: Constitutional Ban of Same-Sex Marriage Fails
- SBSun: Voting machines in 17 counties face security testing
- WashTimes: South, West seen gaining seats
- RivPE: Budget vote ignites human-services cutback fears
- LADN: Feds slug state's poor
- WashPost: GOP Challenger to Clinton Quits
LAT: For State's Aged, Blind, Disabled, a Lump of Coal for Christmas
Ackerman tips hat to Daucher
OCReg: Tran considers state Senate run
- SDUT: Cunningham's open seat draws former Charger
- FRBlog: Former NFL Player Turner Mulling 50th CD Race
NCTimes: House members say Cunningham probe to be bipartisan
- SacBee: Vote-funds audit faults Shelley
- LADN: Fed's audit says Shelley misspent $3.8 million
SFChron: Health care plan for workers worries Mayor
- SJMerc: With chaos at the top, who's in charge at S.J. City Hall?
- BakCal: Voting machines under new scrutiny
- LAT: Plan to Split L.A. Unified to Be Offered
- LADN: Effort planned to split LAUSD
- OCReg: Correa questions Vector Control
- IVDB: Rights group plans immigration law protest at Congressman Miller's office
- SDUT: S.D.'s tab for lawyers: $10 million
- SDUT: Council race hit by negative mailers
- SDUT: Change could hit school board