Thursday, December 8, 2005
- *FR Exclusive*<br \>Massive Infrastructure Bond a <br \>Bad Deal for California<br \>Anthony Archie, Pacific Research Institute
CapWeekly: GOP leaders, rank and file, watch governor's policy moves closely
- AP: Angry GOP wants meeting with governor
- SacBee: Davis back - in paint, in person
- CCTimes: Davis, former aides celebrate portrait
- LAT: Painting of Davis Recalls Earlier Era
- AP: Davis, Schwarzenegger unveil Davis' official portrait
- SacBee: Old Governors Never Die. They Just Hang in Capitol.
SacBee: Governor 'fine' after heart check
- SFChron: Midnight hospital visit by the governor
- SJMerc: Governor's heart symptoms could mean much, or little
- AP: Schwarzenegger back at work after experiencing rapid heartbeat
LAT: Reiner Won't Take on Schwarzenegger
- AP: Reiner says he won't run
OCReg: Campbell becomes a congressman
- WashTimes: GOP lawmaker replaces Cox
- SacBee: Prop. 77 is back in court
- IVDB: Dems to pursue limits on special elections
SDUT: Cunningham's Rancho Santa Fe home is sold
LAT: Cunningham Figure Gave to Gov., Got 2 Board Seats
- SDUT: Lawmakers shed cash tied to two contractors
- OakTrib: Tookie's attorney dreading hearing
- AP: Williams' attorneys to make clemency plea to governor
- SacBee: Life or death - it's up to governor
- AP: Stanley "Tookie" Williams: Last chance for clemency
- OCReg: Davis wrestled with death cases
- GEORGE SKELTON COLUMN - LAT: Children's Books Can't Make Up for 4 Brutal Murders
- MARJIE LUNDSTROM COLUMN - SacBee: Clemency case will speak volumes about governor - and all of us
- RICHARD RIOS COLUMN CapWeekly: When Our System Fails Us: The Case for Independent Clemency Review
The Golden Pen
CAROL LIEBAU COLUMN CalRep: From One Extreme to Another (On Kennedy Appointment) -
JON FLEISCHMAN COLUMN CapWeekly: Whether GOP or Dems rule, 'federal preemption' threatens California
BILL WHALEN COLUMN WeeklyStnd: Free Tookie?
REP. BILL THOMAS OPED Nat'lRev: Congress should renew tax relief
- RON NEHRING COLUMN SDUT: A plan for more charter schools in East County | The San Diego Union-Tribune
StockRed: Rep. Pombo - Evolving the species act
- PAT DORINSON COLUMN CapWeekly: Political Reform in California: The Big Bang Theory
DAN WEINTRAUB COLUMN SacBee: Forecast sees 'soft landing' in the housing slump
- PATT MORRISON COLUMN LAT: Terminator vs. Patriot? Get ready to rumble
- CapWeekly: Children's healthcare likely on governor's agenda
- CapWeekly: Corrections czar faces Senate confirmation--again
- AP: Border Patrol to get more agents
- CapWeekly: Governor officially appoints Genest as Finance Director
- CapWeekly: Where are they now? Former state Attorney General John Van de Kamp
- SFChron - Lawmakers push $10 billion bond for infrastructure
- SFChron - Bay Bridge pause cost $81 million
- SJMerc: Fourth candidate to run for mayor
- ModBee: State will not settle city runoff