Monday, December 5, 2005
**Must Read**<br \>Arnold's 'Harriet Miers Moment'<br \> John Fund Column<br \>Wall Street Journal
Kevin McCarthy on Kennedy Pick: "Tragic Move Backwards"
- SacBee: "The buzz" Party like it's 2003: A Davis revival of sorts
- SDUT: Governor pushes 'really big' bond to remodel state
*Flashback*<br \>JON COUPAL COLUMN Massive bond threatens state's financial future
- SFChron: Special election voters an unhappy lot, poll says
MATIER & ROSS COLUMN SFChron: GOP math adding up to easy re-election for DiFi
IVDB: Dreier still under fire for immigration stance
- OakTrib: State Senator ready for LG when California is
LAT: Cunningham's Fall From Grace
- RollCall*: Cunningham Woes Could Touch Wife
- NCTimes: Filner says international force should take helm in Iraq
- WashPost: Decline in Support for War Worries GOP: In Georgia, Even Republican Voters Are Voicing Unhappiness With Iraq Involvement
The Golden Pen
RAY HAYNES COLUMN CPPF: A canary on Life Support (On the Kennedy appointment) - FRANK DUCLOS COLUMN CPPF: The Sacramento Myth Machine
- The California Observer: Overview of Insurance Commissioner Race
- GEORGE SKELTON COLUMN - LAT: Poll Reveals Depth of Voters' Mistrust
- SFChron: Questions of redemption, atonement and clemency swirl for Stanley Tookie Williams
- LAT: Life or Death - Californians Weigh In
LAT: Mayor Gains Strength in Wage Talks
- *FR Mention*<br \>FRANK MICKADEIT COLUMN - OCReg: Morrow Pulls Harman Endorsement
- MARTIN WISCKOL COLUMN OCReg: News - Hunt may be the hunted in sheriff's investigation
- AP: City no longer finest of them all
- OCReg: San Diego rejects its good name
- DAN WALTERS COLUMN SacBee: New poverty report batters Fresno's image, not for the first time
- SFChron: Some citizens fear for safety if courts uphold S.F.'s voter-approved ban on handguns
ROLLCALL* - Immigration Key in Special