Thursday, December 1, 2005
*FR Exclusive*<br \>Reason Foundation's George Passantino:<br \>Infrastructure, yes! Mega-debt, NO!
NYTimes: Irking Conservatives, Schwarzenegger Replaces Top Aide With a Democrat
CBS LA VIDEO: Schwarzenegger Replaces Top Slot With Democrat
Fleischman Commentary
- OCReg: Governor's hire riles many
- CapWeekly: Schwarzenegger picks key Davis aide Susan Kennedy as new chief of staff, sparking anger among some Republicans
- RivPE: Choice of aide ignites furor
- WashPost: Schwarzenegger Promotes a Democrat
- WashTimes: Inside Politics on Kennedy Pick
- SDUT: Governor appoints Democrat to run staff
- SFChron: Governor hires Dem as top aide
- SFChron: Governor's hire riles GOP conservatives
- VStar: Democrat to head staff for governor
- LADN: Governor moves to the left
- SJMerc: Democrat to head governor's staff
- OakTrib: Governor's new aide miffs GOP
- SacBee: Governor stuns with aide choice
- LAT: Governor's Chief of Staff Says She's Tired of Partisanship
- LAT: New Top Aide's Role: Help Gov. Find His Voice
- HumEvents: Arnold Takes Sharp Turn to the Left
CapWeekly: Bilbray, Morrow in, while Wyland wavers
- CapWeekly: Liberal Democrats at odds over Pavley's Assembly successor
- CapWeekly: Silent media mogul is big noise in the world of politics, business
- CapWeekly: Where are they now? Former Assemblyman James Rogan
- CapWeekly: Experts Expound
SDUT: Experts say Cunningham likely to get retirement pay
- SDUT: Congressman's betrayal of troops called greatest sin
- SDUT: Bribery case shows House panel laxness, critics claim
- RollCall: Democrats Call for Probe Into Cunningham's Handling of Classified Material; Republicans Say It Has Already Started*
The Golden Pen
GEORGE SKELTON COLUMN - LATimes: Schwarzenegger Has Made Another Extremist Move in Appointing Kennedy His Chief of Staff - ADAM PROBOLSKY OPED CapWeekly: How the Governor comes back: Return to television
- OCReg: Editorial - Another Kennedy in Sacramento
WARD CONNERLY OPED Nat'lRev: One man’s “diversity� is everyman’s anti-meritocracy
DAN WEINTRAUB COLUMN SacBee: Big increase is forecast in public school spending
- SFChron: Lee wanted to help son, ex-lawyer says
- BakCal: Legislators able to dodge disclosure
- TIM LESLIE OPED<br \>CapWeekly: Failure of Prop 73 does not signal success of 'assisted suicide'
- STEVE MAVIGLIO COLUMN CapWeekly: When you're in the middle of the road, it's easy to get run over
- WashPost: Cox Takes First Steps at SEC: Chairman Moves Cautiously in Face of Management Hurdles
- WashTimes: Pelosi endorses Murtha's pullout call
- NCTimes: Rallies held throughout state to urge clemency for Williams
- WeeklyStand: Pelosi's Disastrous Miscalculation
SacBee: Donors in bribe case also gave to Doolittle
- SFChron: Last-ditch appeal rejected
- LADN: 'Tookie' review rejected
- LAT: Gov.'s Youth Prison Plan Is Criticized
- SacBee: Youth prisons may get smaller
- SJMerc: Youth prison reforms unveiled
OCReg: Fighting to represent the 48th District
- LAT: Cooley to Seek Return of Suspects