Sunday, October 23, 2005
- LAT - On Town Hall Tour, Gov. Has Lines Down Pat
SJMerc - A ballot on Schwarzenegger's future
- CCTimes - Special election puts governor to test
- SacBee - Fight for voter turnout may swing results
- IVDB - Campaigns focus on direct voter contacts
AP - Schwarzenegger's ballot initiatives TV ad yanked
- NCTimes - Poll numbers clash on propositions
- IVDB - Special election absentee ballots pour in
- SJMerc - A look at the eight state propositions
- SJMerc - Opposition to Prop. 73 gets personal
- SacBee - Prop. 73: Parental notice before abortion
- CCTimes - Proposition 73
- SacBee - Prop. 74: Extending teachers' wait for tenure
- LAT - Prop. 74 Has Some Teachers at Odds
- SacBee - Prop. 75: Consent for union political funding
- CCTimes - Proposition 75
- SacBee - Prop. 76: Placing curbs on state spending
- SacBee - Prop. 77: Shifting redistricting to panel of ex-judges
- SJMerc - On Proposition 77, Democrats putting power before public
- SacBee - Ad watch: Prop. 77 ad focuses on judges
- SacBee - Prop. 78: Voluntary discounts on prescriptions
- SacBee - Prop. 79: State program to cut cost of medicines for uninsured
- SacBee - Prop. 80: Putting the brakes on energy deregulation
- CCTimes - Proposition 80
LAT - O.C. Puts Off Plan to Aid Uninsured Kids
The Golden Pen
STEVE GREENHUT COLUMN<br \>OCReg - Propositions our vehicles for change - DEBRA SAUNDERS COLUMN:<br \>SFChron - Dubya Does "Reagan"
- DAN WALTERS COLUMN:<br \>SacBee - Defining abortion in the state constitution raises murky legal issue
Daniel Weintraub: Stop the budgeting insanity
- BakCal - Thomas leads Costa in fund-raising by $200,000
- WashPost - California Group Steps Into Vacuum on the Left
CCTimes - Money flowing in since governor announced intent to run
SacBee - Bush assailed as a big spender
- SFChron - California Water Wars
- OakTrib - 9th Circuit appeals court judges hear partial-birth abortion case
- SacBee - Veto stirs up taxing debate
- LAT - Shell Games Hide Sources of Donations
NCTimes - Riverside County GOP jumps into local races
SDUT - Governing style splits hopefuls
- LAT - The Great Divide on Use of O.C. Sales Tax