Wednesday, October 19, 2005
- FLEISCHMAN COMMENTARY:<br \>Bill Mundell is off to Ohio to support a redistricting measure there - why?
SacBee - Governor shops for votes
StockRec - Pombo 'hit' by report
- CCTimes - Pombo's trips paid by group called illegal
- TheHill - Report questions Rep. Pombo's trips
- LAT - Unions' New Ad Directly Attacks the Gov.
- OCReg - Prop. 76: Living la vida limited
- SacBee - Precursor to Prop. 77 'orchestrated well'
- RivPE - Prop. 77 changes could be dramatic
- SFChron - Prop. 78: The best RX for assisting with pharmacy costs
- SFChron: Prop 79: The best RX for assisting with pharmacy costs.
- SFChron - Some counties testing electronic vote machines
- OC Reg - Bill OKs money for O.C.
LAT - Charters Get a Plea for Help
- LAT - Riverside County Puts Vote on Wheels
- LAT - Impact of 3-Strikes Law Still Unclear
- VStar - Powell speaks in 1000 Oaks, says U.S. faces challenges
- SFChron - Absentee ballot surge surprises registrars
The Golden Pen
ARNIE STEINBERG COLUMN:<br \>WashTimes - California dreaming - DAN WALTERS COLUMN:<br \>SacBee - Spy vs. Spy: Contending forces undercut each other's messages
NCTimes - Cunningham civil suit put on hold
- LADN - Rohrabacher, Miller, McKeon blast Bush plan
AP - Governor keeps Bush at a distance
- FRANK MICKADEIT COLUMN:<br \>OCReg - GOP Group's Not So Silent Implosion
LAT -O'Connor to Reign Supreme at Rose Parade
- StockRec- Cold Reception for Gov. at Stockton Fundraiser
- OakTrib - Governor to defend video - game limits
- SFChron - San Francisco treasurer - Four compete to manage the city's treasury
- SJMerc - That poll worker helping you vote may be your county supervisor
Race could turn on Frye's tax-increase gamble