Saturday, October 15, 2005
- U.S. Rep. David Nunes runs own YES on 77 Ads [See it here]
SFChron - Governor comes up with $3 million more
- SacBee - Prop. 75 foes: E-mail illegal
- AP - State teachers union asks for probe into union dues e-mail
- SacBee - Ad watch: Disgusted senior is center of ad backing Prop. 77
- LADN - Prop. 79 PRO: California would gain power in drug purchases
- LADN - Prop. 79 CON: Patients could be left without medications
- SFChron - Prop. 80 would retool state's energy policy
- SacBee - Electricity proposition crackles
- SacBee - $ Ballot watch
- RivPE - Special election will cost counties
The Golden Pen
FlashBack to 12/31/03<br \>THOMAS SOWELL COLUMN<br \>California vs. Business - SFChron - Bush to visit Southern California -- governor plans to be elsewhere
SFChron - Governor changes plans, will go to firefighters' event
- DailyBul - Border police initiative signing today in Chino
- SacBee - 4 vacancies filled on water panel
- OakTrib - Bill inspired by bridge secrets dead in water
- SDUT - State coastal commission carrying a bigger stick
- LAT - Rail's Loss, Cities' Gain
- LAT - First Candidate Files for 2007 City Council Race
- LAT - Hotelier Stands Politically Corrected
- SJMN - Confidence at 2 1/2-year low in valley